CS 464/564: Introduction to Database Management
Spring 2017
Project: Personal Database Application (PDA)

Source: Arthur Keller, CMPS 180, University of California Santa Cruz, Winter 2002, http://www.cse.ucsc.edu/classes/cmps180/Winter02/. Adapted for UNM CS Department by  Prof. Tapia

[Overview] [Logistics] [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]


Your CS 564 programming project will be to build a substantial database application for a real-world domain of your choosing. You will design a schema on paper. Then, you will create an actual database using MySQL. You will populate the database, write interactive queries and modifications on the database, develop programs that manipulate the database, and explore other aspects such as constraints and triggers. Examples of projects can be database management applications for Hotel, Hospital, Real Estate Company, Bank, Auto Dealer, Transporation Company, Electronics Store, Post Office, Police Station, Restaurant, ....

Part 1: Choose a project and design an E/R diagram. 

Part 2: Relational design and database creation. 

Part 3: Queries, updates, and indexes. 

Part 4: Embedded SQL. 

The project is worth 20% of your course grade. The parts are equally important.

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