
 I was born in the mid 1970's in Lagos, Nigeria to Parents with 5 previous children all women by the way. Lets just say my Mother was jumping for joy while I was busy not being in the know that I was vastly outnumbered by womenfolk. As one of my sisters would like to put it My parents should have stopped at the 5th child lets just say I was an innocent mistake :). Be it as it may, it was interesting , thank God my younger brother came 2 years later to save me the displeasure of being the only male in the house. Believe me that kind of responsibility is what I did not need. Don't get me wrong, being outnumbered by women has its benefits. Also being a member of a large family also means that you never get lonely. I am extremely proud of my family. We are  all extremely close. 

My family has a very rich history. Both my parents being from a village in Ekiti in the South Western part of Nigeria. I did my undergraduate studies at Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, Nigeria with a BS in Computer Science and Mathematics. My love affair began with mathematics at the age of 14. Ever since I have never looked back. I am currently pursuing a PhD in computer Science and a Masters in Applied Mathematics at the  University  of New Mexico, Albuquerque. One of the major reasons for doing a PhD is apart from the fact I learning new and interesting stuff , is that I love teaching. I think it is one of the greatest professions ever. The skill of increasing other folks ability to acquire information " Teaching" is extremely important. Well before I began this journey to become "Dr Oluwasanmi", I was a software engineer for a number of years back in Nigeria. Where I also acquired some project management skills.
I currently work with Jared Saia in the department of Computer Science . He is a great advisor, mentor, researcher lucky to be working under him.  In Mathematics I work with Jens Lorenz.

I also happen to enjoy some volunteer work though. Probably because at least for once it makes me take my mind off myself. I am the extremely patient type, and it takes quite a lot to rile me. Some people find this unnerving, but I make it a personal policy not just to react to peoples actions, but to give a fully well thought out response to a situation.  This does not imply I have analysis paralysis. I act decisively when I need to. I happen to like good and interesting conversation. I hate it when people expect me to read there minds if something is on your mind I suggest you come out and say it.

I happen to enjoy watching Sci-Fi programs like BattleStar Galactica, the Stargate Series, Star Trek (Next Generation of course!) also quite a bit of drama, like Law and Order. Some my favourite movies are The house of Sand and fog, The last of the Mohicans, El-Sid....