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June 17, 2007

Mathematics of Sudoku

Long-time readers and friends of mine who have had the unfortunate luck to ask me about Sudoku will know that I'm not very fond of the game itself. In fact, I've never completed one by hand (even an "easy" one) because I get bored from running a constraint satisfaction algorithm algorithm by hand. Instead, for a project in one of my courses in graduate school, I instead wrote a computer program to solve them for me. (I wrote two versions, one that implements a brute-force backtracking algorithm (in prolog) and one that implements a constraint satisfaction algorithm (in ciao), and did a little write up to explain them. The code will actually solve an arbitrary sized puzzle, and not just the regular 9 x 9 ones you find in newspapers.)

The last time I blogged about Sudoku was to talk about the interesting mathematical or theoretical questions about the game. Things like, given a partially-completed puzzle, how many unique solutions exist? For a given solution, how many unique partially-completed puzzles exist with a given number of entries provided for you? These probably aren't the kinds of questions most people ask when they sit down to solve a Sudoku puzzle, since they're interesting at a higher level than coming up with a solution to a particular instance.

Fortunately, mathematicians have been thinking about these kinds of questions for a couple of years now, and an article in the June/July 2007 issue of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) by Agnes M. Herzberg and M. Ram Murty delves into these with great enthusiasm. In particular, they show that Sudoku puzzles can be reduced to a graph coloring problem. Each of the 81 boxes in the puzzle are nodes in a graph (network), and two nodes are connected if they appear in the same row, column or sub-grid. Then, each of the numbers 1..9 is assigned a color, and the task is to come up with a coloring of the graph such that no edge has the same color on both ends. For regular instances, some of the colors are given, and your task is to complete the coloring.

The nice thing about this reformulation is that it makes the questions I mentioned above amenable to some of the tools from mathematics and computer science for dealing with the general problem of graph coloring (e.g., chromatic polynomials and other things I wish I understood better). For instance, the authors are able to prove that although there are roughly 6.671 x 10^21 valid Sudoku squares (a trivially small fraction of the number of Latin squares, which is about 5.525 x 10 ^27!), only a mere 5,472,730,538 are unique (when you account for symmetries and relabelings). That number alone should keep puzzle fans and newspapers busy for quite a while. I wonder if we'll ever see the day when newspapers print puzzles that ask players to find both of two unique solutions, or to count the number of unique solutions for a particular puzzle. In spite of my ongoing dislike of the Sudoku craze gripping the country, I should at least take comfort in knowing that people everwhere are exercising the rational side of the brain, and a few may even be pondering the deeper mathematical mysteries of the game.

(tip to Ars Technica for their coverage.)

posted June 17, 2007 08:00 AM in Computer Science | permalink
