I recommend cloning the git repos so you have the latest versions, as these are mostly beta tools.
Capture ssl network traffic.
Get smali from apk file/rebuild apk from smali.
Dump smali for use with smalidea.
Plugin to be used with Android Studio/IntelliJ.
Dex to Java decompiler. I recommend calling it with: JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx4G" jadx -j 1 some.apk
Scripts to easily create an access point in Linux.
If you need to debug an application use apktool d file.apk
then edit the AndroidManifest.xml file by adding
android:debuggable="true" to the application section. After you
can use apktool b directory -o newapk.apk
to build an apk
that you can attach smalidea to.