The University of New Mexico
Particle Therapy Group
UNM Particle Therapy Group is a multi-departmental research group investigating various aspects of the use of charged particle beams in the treatment of cancer and related conditions.
Hope you enjoyed the
1st New Mexico Workshop on Monte Carlo for Particle Therapy Treatment Planning
at UNM 16 - 18 May, 2011.
- Novel particle delivery techniques
- Dose optimization
- Dosimetry and radiobiology of novel therapy particles
- Antiproton therapy
- Secondary dose
- Monte Carlo techniques in particle therapy
- Cloud computing for radiation therapy
- High performance computing in radiation therapy
Come see us at ICCR 2010 in Amsterdam, Netherlands:
- Cloud Computing as a Monte Carlo Cluster for Radiation Therapy (PA-05)
Past AAPM presentations (2009 - present).
Group Members:
- Adam
- Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemical and Nuclear
- hecht @ unm.edu
- Michael
- Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, UNM
- Scientist, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg
- mholzscheiter @ phys.unm.edu
- Shuang (Sean) Luan
- Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science
- sluan @ cs.unm.edu
- Dorian Arnold
- Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science
- darnold @ cs.unm.edu
- Roy Keyes
- External post-doc
- rkeyes @ cs.unm.edu
- Daniel Riofrio
- PhD student, Dept. of Computer Science
- driofrio @ cs.unm.edu
- Dominic Maes
- MS student, Medical Physics, Dept. of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering
- dm @ unm.edu
- Ekaterina Davydenko
- MS student, Dept. of Computer Science
- edav @ unm.edu
Former members:
- Sean Fournier
- Undergraduate, Dept. of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering
- Christian Romano
- Undergraduate, Dept. of Computer Science
- Amy Reynaud
- Undergraduate, Dept. of Computer Science
- Collaborators: UNM Computational
Medicine, AD-4/ACE
Collaboration (CERN), Aarhus Particle Therapy Group (Denmark)
- UNM Graduate
Medical Physics, UNM Cancer Center
Departments: Physics
and Astronomy, Computer
Science, Chemical
and Nuclear Engineering
- Organizations: PTCOG, AAPM
- Monte Carlo
software: Geant4,
- Journals:
Physics in Medicine
and Biology,
Medical Physics, The Red Journal, The Green Journal, physics.med-ph
@ arxiv.org,
BMC Medical
Physics, Radiation Oncology