List of blacklisted keywords discovered by ConceptDoppler, 19 Sep 2007

明斯特 (威斯特法伦) --- Munster (Westfalen)
北莱茵-威斯特法伦 --- Nordrhein-Westfalen (North Rhine-Westphalia)
大罢工 --- Great strike
老毛奇 --- Helmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke
反共产国际公约 --- Anti-Comintern Pact
我的奋斗 --- Mein Kampf (My Struggle)
卡普暴动 --- The Kapp Putsch
反人类罪 --- Crime against humanity
马尔梅迪屠杀 --- Malmedy massacre
格但斯克大屠杀 --- The Gdansk massacre
印度支那共产党总书记 --- The Communist Party of Vietnam
赵紫阳 --- Zhao Ziyang
专政 --- Dictatorship (party)
安源大罢工 --- Anyuan great strike
北大法科礼堂 --- Peking University Law School Auditorium
藏独 --- Tibet Independence Movement
明慧 --- Ming Hui (related to Falun Gong)
法轮大法 --- Falun Dafa
鲍彤 --- Bao Tong (related to June 4th protests)
人民报 (中文) --- People's Daily (Chinese edition)
大纪元時報 --- The Epoch Times
多维 --- Duo Wei (Chinese newspaper based in the United States)
中俄边界冲突 --- Sino-Russian border issue
镇压 --- Suppression
群体灭绝 --- Genocide (related to Falun Gong)
卖国 --- Traitor
清末留学运动 --- Late Qing Dynasty campaign of sending students to study abroad
六四事件 --- June 4th events (1989 Tiananmen Square protests)
邓力群 --- Deng Liqun (historical figure)
共匪 --- Communist bandit (``Commie,'' used as historical term)
罢工权 --- The right to strike
江泽民文选 --- Collections of Jiang Zemin
广场绝食团 --- Tiananmen Square Hunger Strike Group
异见人士 --- Dissident
黄菊 --- Huang Ju (politician, historical)
香港立法会 --- The Hong Kong Legislative Council
新闻封锁 --- News blackout
内蒙古独立运动 --- Inner Mongolia independence movement
新疆独立运动 --- Xinjiang independence movement
彭泽民 --- Peng Zemin (historical figure)
封杀 --- Block
大参考 --- Dacankao Daily News
色情电影 --- Erotic movies
专政机关 --- Dictatorship organs
色情按摩 --- Sexual massage
政治迫害 --- Political persecution
关于进一步做好刑满释放、解除劳教人员促进就业和社会保障工作的意见 --- Views on how to better help inmates who are released after prison term or released from education through ---
全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于严禁卖淫嫖娼的决定 --- The decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on strictly prohibiting prostitution ---
红色恐怖 --- Red Terror
无产阶级专政下继续革命理论 --- Theory of continuing revolution under the proletariat dictatorship
无产阶级专政 --- Dictatorship of the proletariat
爱国主义还是卖国主义? --- Patriotism or traitors doctrine?
六七武装暴动 --- June 7th armed rebellions
文艺黑线专政论 --- Literary and art black line dictatorship theory
群众专政 --- Populace dictatorship
接班人 --- Political successor
反党反社会主义分子 --- Counter-party counter-socialism member
中央农民运动讲习所 --- Central peasant movement institute
湖南农民运动考察报告 --- Hunan farmer movement investigation report
美国之音 --- Voice of America
国民革命与农民运动 --- Nationalist revolution and farmer movement
唐山市总同盟罢工 --- Tangshan City Alliance strike
开滦煤矿大罢工 --- The Kailuan coal mine great strike
变相劳改 --- Disguised reform-through-labor
莫斯科公审 --- Public trial in Moscow
民主专制 --- Democracy or dictatorship
反饥饿、反内战、反迫害运动 --- Anti-hunger, anti-civil war, anti-persecution movement
反党反社会主义 --- Anti-party, anti-socialism
大纪元时报 --- Epoch Times (
Category:六四事件 --- Category: June 4th events (1989 Tiananmen Square protests)
一党专政 --- One party dictatorship
王刚 --- Wang Gang
汕尾事件 --- Shanwei Event
民运 --- Civil rights movement
六四天安门事件 --- June 4th Tiananmen Incident
王文怡 --- Wang Wenyi (journalist)
独裁主义 --- Dictatorship principle
处女卖淫案 --- Virgin prostitution law case
王斌余事件 --- Wang Binyu incident
中华人民共和国集会游行示威法 --- The PRC Law on mass rallies and demonstrations
Freenet --- Freenet
方舟子 --- Fang Zhouzi
台湾建国党 --- The Taiwan Nation Party (formerly the Taiwan Independence Party)
转化率 --- Conversion rate
专制统治 --- Dictatorship control
东方专制主义 --- Oriental despotism
佟泽民 --- Tong Zemin
刘晓光 --- Liu Xiaoguang (professional Go player)
彭小枫 --- Peng Xiaofeng (anti-Japanese advocate)
劳改 --- Reform-through-labor
吾尔开希 --- \"Orketh D\"olet
zh-yue:六四事件 --- zh-yue: June 4th events (1989 Tiananmen Square protests)
六四內部日記 --- June 4th internal diaries
六四遊行 --- June 4th parades
全国学联筹委会 --- National Student Federation Preparation Committee
必须旗帜鲜明地反对动乱 --- Must clearly and unequivocally make public stand, oppose the turmoil
维权绝食接力 --- Relay hunger strikes
封从德 --- Feng Congde (related to June 4th protests)
钦本立 --- Qin Benli (journalist)
绝食 --- Hunger strike
政治异议人士 --- Political dissident
王丹 (1969年) --- Wang Dan (year 1969) (related to June 4th protests)
上海净业社儿童教养院 --- Shanghai Jingye Society child reformatory
两岸关系 --- Cross-Strait relations (between China and Taiwan)
北京之春雜誌 --- Beijing Spring magazine
蒋培坤 --- Jiang Peishen (husband of one of the ``Tiananmen Mothers'')
東土耳其斯坦流亡政府 --- East Turkistan government in exile
东土耳其斯坦 --- East Turkistan
百灵庙暴动 --- Bailing Temples rebellions
学联 --- Student federation
刘晓峰 --- Liu Xiaofeng (politician)
东土耳其斯坦解放组织 --- East Turkestan Liberation Organization
桥头电厂 --- (Qinghai) Qiaotou power plant
善意的独裁者(英文) --- Good dictator (English)
新宿西口廣場 --- West Shinjuku Square (Traditional characters)
国人暴动 --- Chinese riots
丁纪元 --- Ding Jiyuan
卢多维克·阿里奥斯托 --- Ludovico Ariosto
国民革命与农民运动 --- Nationalist revolution and farmers' movement (in China)
弗拉基米尔·弗谢沃洛多维奇 --- Vladimir Vsevolodovich
東京都道新宿副都心十號線 --- Tokyo Road on the 10th line to Tokyo Shinjuku district center
六四事件 --- June 4th events (1989 Tiananmen Square protests)
江泽民 --- Jiang Zemin
中宣部 --- Chinese Central Propaganda Department
赵紫阳 --- Zhao Ziyang
Category:六四事件 --- Category: June 4th events (1989 Tiananmen Square protests)
专政 --- Dictatorship (party)
专制 --- Dictatorship
一党专政 --- One party dictatorship
六四天安门事件 --- June 4th Tiananmen Incident
共匪 --- Communist bandit
独裁 --- Dictatorship
邓力群 --- Deng Liqun
太子党 --- Crown Prince Party
江八点 --- Jiang's eight points
全国学联 --- National students federation
safeweb --- safeweb
黄菊 --- Huang Ju
民运 --- Civil rights movement
支那派遣軍 --- Japanese troops sent to invade China
全国农民运动会 --- The National Farmers Games
六四天安門事件 --- The June 4th Tiananmen event
司法院大法官 --- Judicial yuan grand justices
多维尔 --- Deauville, a town in France
大参考 --- Dacankao Daily News
希特勒 --- Hitler
南京大屠杀 --- Nanjing Massacre
北莱茵-威斯特法伦 --- Nordrhein-Westfalen (North Rhine-Westphalia)
罢工 --- Strike
Category:南京大屠杀 --- Category: Nanjing Massacre
阿道夫·希特勒 --- Adolf Hitler
群众专政 --- Populace dictatorship
反党反社会主义分子 --- Counter-party counter-socialism member
美国之音 --- Voice of America
法轮功 --- Falun Gong
西藏流亡政府 --- The Tibetan government in exile
自由亚洲电台 --- Radio Free Asia (RFA)
色情 --- Pornography
大纪元时报 --- Epoch Times (
汕尾 --- Shanwei
佟泽民 --- Tong Zemin
六四 --- June 4th
国际地质科学联合会 --- International geological scientific federation (Beijing)
Category:中俄边界问题 --- Category: Sino-Russian border issue
2.5-2.6反革命暴动 --- 2.5-2.6 counter-revolutionary riot
阿塞拜疆独立共和国 --- The Independent Republic of Azerbaijan
东土耳其斯坦解放组织 --- East Turkestan Liberation Organization
酷刑 --- Brutal torture