Pr ( ||Xn|| > a ) <   2 e1-(a-1)2 / 2n < 2 e2 e-a2 / 2n .This upper bound is within a constant factor, e2, of the Azuma-Hoeffding Inequality for real-valued martingales. This improves an earlier result of O. Kallenberg and R. Sztencel (1992). Our inequality holds even for ``very-weak martingales,'' namely, discrete stochastic processes X which satisfy
for every n, E ( Xn | Xn-1 ) = Xn-1.In particular, this includes the class of weak martingales. More generally, we prove that, for every very-weak martingale X  in Rd, there exists a martingale Y  in Rd such that for all n, the distribution of (Yn-1, Yn) is the same as that of (Xn-1, Xn). As an application, we answer questions posed by L. Babai about Fourier coefficients of random subsets of a finite abelian group.
Versions available:
Micro-revision, July 2005, corrects a typo in the abstract. Also, now with hyperlinked references. | Postscript | DVI | |
Resubmitted version, last modified February 2003. | Postscript | DVI |