激情成人论坛 (Passion Adult Forum) 性爱聚会 (Sex party) 操你吗 (Fuck you do) 妈逼 (Mother forced) 共铲党 (Total shovel party) 法轮 (Falun) 转法轮 (Zhuan Falun) 江责民 (Jiang responsibility for civil) 陶驷驹 (Tao Siju) 反共 (Anti-communist) 骚逼 (Sao force) 鸡巴 (Cock) 肉棍 (Rougun) 骚穴 (Saoxue) 小穴 (Pussy) 高勤荣 (High Qinrong) 国企大厦18层 (State-owned 18-storey building) 天灭中共 (Days off in CPC) 退党 (Resign) ezdn.cc (ezdn.cc) zinlang.cn (zinlang.cn) 3ee.cc (3ee.cc) tingtingroom.cn (tingtingroom.cn) 47cr.com (47cr.com) tglib.com (tglib.com) dogag.cn (dogag.cn) 网管办是猪 (Managed to do a pig) 金水河畔的拖拉机 (Jinshui River tractor) 软禁中的谈话 (Under house arrest in the conversation) ct61.com (ct61.com) sinauc.c.la (sinauc.c.la) uchaoma.cn (uchaoma.cn) cctv56ly (cctv56ly) gmeak.com (gmeak.com) sina-8.com (sina-8.com) uc.sina17.com (uc.sina17.com) 韩国万岁 (Long live the Republic of Korea) 谁说那个数字谁就得死 (Who says that the number who have died) liu四 (liu four) 吾爾KAI希 (I hope Seoul KAI) 8玖 (8 Nine) six.4 (six.4) 6罒 (6 Si) 八九運動 (Eighty-nine Sports) 泛民四子 (Four sons Pan Man) 258个月 (258 months) 八九民運 (June incident) 6.2+2 (6.2 +2) Sky安gate (Sky safety gate) 劉暁波 (Bo Liu 暁) 二十四人通缉令 (Twenty-four arrest warrants) 24人通缉令 (24 people wanted) 路易斯李 (Louis Lee) 八九學運 (Eighty-nine student movement) min运份子 (min activist) min运人士 (min transport people) lizhifang (lizhifang) 李朋鸟 (Li Peng Bird) 赵下台 (Zhao step down) 拆玲 (Split-ling) chai 玲 (chai-ling) 柴零 (Diesel zero) liu晓波 (liu Xiaobo) 黄雀行动 (Oriole action) 六厶 (Six 厶) 六亖 (Six 亖) liu si (liu si) ping fan liu si (ping fan liu si) 小平同志谈六四 (Comrade Deng Xiaoping on sixty-four) 广场上的热血 (The blood of the square) Blood is on the square (Blood is on the square) 六四真相 (The Tiananmen Papers) 六四全记录 (Sixty-four Full Record) 八9六4 (Eight 9 6:4) 八九血案 (Eighty-nine murder) 八八血卡 (Eighty-eight blood card) wei jingsheng (wei jingsheng) weijingsheng (weijingsheng) wang dan (wang dan) Liu Xiaobo (Liu Xiaobo) wu er kai xi (wu er kai xi) chai ling (chai ling) 李前總理 (Former Prime Minister Lee) 總理日記 (Prime Minister Diary) 快把鹏儿领回家 (Get out Penger brought home) lipeng日记 (lipeng Diary) 李月月鸟日记 (Lee Bird month diary) 李鹏日记 (Li Diary) 小平拍板戒严 (Xiaoping finalized martial law) 邓小平拍板戒严 (Deng finalized martial law) 小平下令镇压 (Xiaoping ordered the suppression of) 邓小平下令镇压 (Deng Xiaoping ordered the suppression of) 要准备好有流血事件发生 (Be prepared to have bloodshed) 天安门屠夫 (Tiananmen Square butcher) 颠覆国家政权 (Subversion of state power) 喻东岳 (Yu Dongyue) 六泗 (Six Si) 再次点燃将熄灭之火 (Re-ignited the fire will be extinguished) 从学潮到动乱 (From the student movement to chaos) 2的6次方 (2 ^ 6) 錄四 (Recorded four) 毛忘 (Forget the hair) 平*反 (Anti-Ping *) 乌尔开希 (Ur Kaixi) 六死 (Six dead) 6月的第四天 (The fourth day of June) 榴嗣 (Garnet Si) 青天白日滿地紅 (ROC) #8964 (# 8964) #tiananmen (# Tiananmen) 天安門事件 (Tiananmen Square) inmediahk (inmediahk) 碌死 (Busy dead) 蔣捷連 (Jiang Jie Lian) 蒋捷连 (Jiang Jie Lian) 陸斯 (Miss Sri Lanka) 八舊 (Eight old) 六出祁山凭谋略 (Six Qishan with strategy) 四海之内皆兄弟 (All men are brothers) 毋忘阝坴镸聿 (Not to forget the Fu Lu Zhang Yu) ⑥㈣ (⑥ (iv)) six-quatre (six-quatre) 六+四 (Six + four) 四月六十五号 (No. 65, April) 三月九十六号 (March No.96) tank man (tank man) 8|9|6|4 (8 | 9 | 6 | 4) 六。四 (VI. Four) 6月的第4天 (4th day of June) 历史de伤口 (History de wound) 贰拾壹 (Twenty One) Восемь-Девять-Шесть-Четыре (Восемь-Девять-Шесть-Четыре) Восемь (Восемь) Девять (Девять) Шесть (Шесть) Четыре (Четыре) 肆陸玖捌忘毋 (Si Lu Jiu Ba not forget) 八的二次方 (Eight quadratic) 本法娄思 (Lou thought of this Law) 綠四 (Green four) 1玖8玖 (1 8 Nine Nine) 己巳年己巳月乙未日 (Baba in Baba on May Yi Wei) 5月三十五 (May 3 十五) liù sì (liù sì) 陆司 (Land Division) 服务器维护日 (Server maintenance day) 毋忘淥say (Lu say not to forget) 平反VIIV (Vindication VIIV) 五月35日 (On May 35) h9b8 (h9b8) 8qb4 (8qb4) 貳① (II ①) 八八节 (Eighty-eight) ⑥④ (⑥ ④) 陸乙 (Lu B) 遙想當年血染河道 (Way back when bloody river) * (^$(* (^ $) 民主女神 (Goddess of Democracy) 六=四 (Six = four) VIIV (VIIV) 白衣行動 (White action) 白衣行动 (White action) six—four (six-four) ⅥⅣ (Ⅵ Ⅳ) Ⅵ月Ⅳ日 (On May Ⅳ Ⅵ) 61三天后 (61 Three days later) 61过后三天 (After three days 61) 61之后三天 (61 three days after) 61后三天 (Three days after 61) 儿童节三天后 (Children's Day three days later) 儿童节之后三天 (Three days after Children's Day) 儿童节过后三天 (Children's Day, after three days) 发图不说话 (Made plans do not speak) 看图不说话 (Figure does not speak) 首都高校学生联合体筹备组 (Capital of the Commonwealth of the preparatory group of college students) 夏之蕾 (Xia Lei) 北京学生自治筹委会 (Beijing Preparatory Committee, student government) 钦本立 (Qin Benli) 天安門母親運動 (Tiananmen Mothers Campaign) 首都高校学生联合体 (Capital of the Commonwealth of college students) 閔琦 (Min Qi) 吳廷嘉 (Wu Tingjia) 沈大德 (Chen Dade) 王軍濤 (Wang Juntao) 四六忘勿 (Do not forget forty-six) 由自主民 (By the independent public) 宁文忠 (Ning Wenzhong) 屠杀大学生 (University massacre) six*4 (six * 4) 六月乙酉 (June Yiyou) 中华三民党 (Party in Hua Sanmin) 中国自由民主党 (Chinese Liberal Democrats) 中国大虐杀 (China World slaughtered) 中国式民主 (Chinese-style democracy) 为政治和解及民主改革致国人书 (For political reconciliation and democratic reform book caused people) 乌尔凯西 (Casey Ulrich) 五月三十五 (五月 thirty-five) 京都血火 (Blood in) 余志坚 (Yu Zhijian) 佩洛西 (Pelosi) 侏儒之歌 (Song of dwarf) 侯德健 (Hou Dejian) 俞东岳 (Yu Dongyue) 信念就是那枪击不倒的风信旗 (Belief is that the shot would not fall in the wind Sinch) 国殇之柱 (Pillar of Shame) 坦克碾压 (Tanks) 坦克压学生 (Tank pressure students) 坦克压死大学生 (Students tanks crushed) 坦克压死学生 (Tanks crushed student) 坦克人 (Tanks were) 城楼下传单飞扬 (City Flyer flying downstairs) 大陆民运 (The mainland democracy movement) 天a门 (Days of a door) 天an门 (Days of an door) 天安直是柳营 (Tian has always been Liuying) 天按门 (Day by the door) 妈妈我没有做错 (Mom, I did nothing wrong) 姚瑞生 (Yao Ruisheng) 姜嘉兴 (Jiang Jiaxing) 姜亚群 (Jiang subgroup) 威廉·韩丁 (William Hinton) 孙秀芝 (Sun Xiuzhi) 孟金秀 (Meng Jinxiu) 孟浪 (Rash) 学生领袖 (Student leaders) 学运 (Student movement) 学潮 (Student protests) 宋福范 (Song Fufan) 宋秀玲 (Song Xiuling) 宋凯 (Song Kai) 宗凤鸣 (Were Fengming) 寇玉生 (Kou Yusheng) 封从德 (Letters from Germany) 崑南 (Kunlun) 帝遣六军征南朝 (Diqian six military levy Southern) 常景强 (Often see strong) 广场四君子 (Square Four Gentlemen) 广场是我的坟墓 (Square is my grave) 廖和平 (Liu Heping) 当前最凶恶的敌人 (The most ferocious enemy) 录音回忆录 (Recording his memoirs) 徐勤先 (XU first) 徐友渔 (Xu Yue) 我的姓氏缺少偏旁 (My last name is missing the radical) 我的姓氏发生滑坡 (My last name landslide) 我决不在自己的祖国里暂住 (I am not staying in their own country in) 我们是一群华人基督徒 (We are a group of Chinese Christians) 戒yan (Ring yan) 戴晴 (Dai Qing) 支联会 (Alliance) 支聯會 (Alliance) 敖博 (Ao Bo) 方励之 (Fang Lizhi) 曹金陶 (Cao Jin Tao) 朱更生 (Zhu Rehabilitation) 杀二十万 (Kill two hundred thousand) 李禄 (Li Lu) 李雪文 (Li Xuewen) 李贞英 (Li Zhen Ying) 李志 (Li) 李旺阳 (Li Wangyang) 李智英 (Jee Young Lee) 李淑娴 (Li Shuxian) 杜东旭 (Du Dongxu) 杨子立 (Yang Zili) 杨建利 (Yang Jianli) 杨世鈺 (Yang Yu) 林景培 (Lin Jingpei) 枪声犹在欲忘言 (To forget the words still ringing in gunfire) 柴玲 (Chai Ling) 梁璇筠 (Liang Yun Xuan) 梁建波 (Liang Jianbo) 梁擎墩 (Liang Qing pier) 梁晓燕 (Liang Xiaoyan) 武文建 (Wu Wen Jian) 段宏炳 (Duan Bing) 民主墙 (Democracy Wall) 民主歌声献中华 (Chinese Democracy Songs) 民主潮 (Democratic tide) 民众以身堵截军车 (People to intercept military vehicle body) 江棋生 (Jiang Qisheng) 法学教授袁红冰 (Law professor Yuan Hongbing) 一整夜的子弹 (The bullets all night) 一个解放军的1989 (A PLA 1989) 丁子霖 (Ding Zilin) 丁小平 (Xiao-Ping Ding) 万润南 (Mason South) 严光汉 (Yan Guanghan) 严家其 (Yan Jiaqi) 温梅勇 (Wen Meiyong) wuerkaixi (wuerkaixi) xiao波 (xiao wave) Ziyang (Ziyang) zzy.pdf (zzy.pdf) 傅希秋 (Bob Fu) 儿童节后的第三天 (Children's Day on the third day after) 八老下令 (Eight old order) 八jiu (Eight jiu) 八平方纪念 (Eight square mark) 八平方事件 (Eight square events) 八九年 (1989) 八九悲歌 (Eighty-nine Elegy) 八九春试马 (Eighty-nine spring horse trial) 八九民运 (June incident) 八九民主 (Eighty-nine democracy) 公民联盟 (Civic League) 六*四 (Six * Four) 六肆 (Six Stanford) 六four (Six four) 六si (Six si) 六四风波 (Sixty-four storm) 六四前 (Sixty-four ago) 六四后 (After sixty-four) 六四时 (Sixty-four time) 六四事变 (Sixty-four Incident) 六四事件 (June Fourth Incident) 六月的第四天 (The fourth day of June) 六月四 (June 4) 六三夜谈兵 (Sixty-three going to happen soldiers) 刘荻 (Liu Di) 刘XB (Liu XB) 刘宾雁 (Liu Binyan) 刘文胜 (Liu Wensheng) 刘日尧波 (Liu Yao-day wave) 刘晓bo (LIU Xiao-bo) 刘晓竹 (Zhu Liu) 刘晓波 (Liu Xiaobo) 刘永良 (Liu Yongliang) 刘东星 (Liu Xing) 劉曉波 (Liu Xiaobo) 包玉田 (Package Yutian) 包遵信 (Package Zunxin) 北京の夏 (Beijing の Summer) 北京植物人 (Beijing vegetative) 北京之夏 (Beijing Summer) 华惠棋 (Hua Huiqi) 历史的伤口 (A dressing) 吴党英 (Ying Wu party) 吴学汉 (Wu Xuehan) 吴守琴 (Wu Shouqin) 吴仁华 (Wu Renhua) 吾爾開希 (Wu'er Kaixi) 吾尔凯西 (I 尔凯西) 吾尔凯希 (I 尔凯希) 吾尔开西 (I opened the West Seoul) 吾尔开希 (Wu'er Kaixi) 呂永佳 (Lv Yongjia) 周舵 (Duo Zhou) 周勇军 (Zhou Yongjun) 周国强 (Zhou Guoqiang) 周治刚 (Chih-Kang Chou) 周淑珍 (Zhou Shuzhen) 周淑庄 (周淑 Zhuang) 唐元隽 (Tang Yuanjun) 四二六社论 (Four hundred twenty-six editorial) 继志述事 (Ji-Zhi narrative) 继承英烈志 (Inheritance martyrs Chi) 维稳新手法 (Maintenance of stability of new techniques) 罗让 (Lo so) 翟伟民 (Zhai Weimin) 遇罗锦 (Case of Luo Jin) 遛似 (Linger like) 邝涤清 (Di Qing Kuang) 那时历史还没残疾 (History has not disabled when) liusi (liusi)