Constructive Logic with Strong Negation
is a Substructural Logic
(Web Support)

Matthew Spinks and Robert Veroff

January 2008 (updated July 2008)

This page provides Web support for a paper that is published in two parts:

Constructive Logic with Strong Negation is a Substructural Logic. I [2].
Constructive Logic with Strong Negation is a Substructural Logic. II [3].
In particular, we present here proofs that were found with the assistance of the program Prover9 [1].


The goal of this two-part series of papers is to show that constructive logic with strong negation is definitionally equivalent to a certain axiomatic extension NFL_ew of the substructural logic FL_ew. In Part I, it is shown that the equivalent variety semantics of N (namely, the variety of Nelson algebras) and the equivalent variety semantics of NFL_ew (namely, a certain variety of FL_ew algebras) are term equivalent. The main result of Part I is exploited in Part II to show that the deductive systems N and NFL_ew are definitionally equivalent, and hence, that constructive logic with strong negation is a substructural logic over FL_ew.

Prover9 Proofs

For each proof, we include input, output, proof and xml files created as follows.

prover9 -f > file.out

prooftrans -f file.out >

prooftrans xml -f file.out > file.xml

We note that these essentially are proof-checking runs, since they include steps from previously found proofs as hints. The original proofs were found using the method of proof sketches [4]. In particular, our approach was to find derivations with extra assumptions included as input; the resulting derivations in turn were used as proof sketches to help Prover9 find the desired proofs.

Proofs for Part I

Proofs for Part II


  1. W. McCune. Prover9.
  2. M. Spinks and R. Veroff. Constructive Logic with Strong Negation is a Substructural Logic. I. Studia Logica, 88(3):325-348, 2008.
  3. M. Spinks and R. Veroff. Constructive Logic with Strong Negation is a Substructural Logic. II. Studia Logica, to appear.
  4. R. Veroff. Solving Open Questions and Other Challenge Problems Using Proof Sketches. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 27(2):157-174, 2001. (postscript)