Battle Powerset!

11/9/01 Albuquerque, NM. The rules were simple: The members of the first team to present a working solution to the powerset recognition problem before the end of class would get automatic A's on the CS 257 final exam. Teams were free to use the language of their choice. Dave H. and Jason F., working in Perl in front of the class, were printing powersets within 15 minutes. It looked bad for the Scheme teams, and the professor was sweating bullets. But with 10 minutes to spare, word came in from the hallway: Will M. and Neil had a working solution in Scheme! If you make the (strong) assumption that the input must be a legal set, then the following solutions are possible: Congratulations to Will M. and Neil who will be drinking a few cold ones while everyone else is taking the final! Honorable mention to Dave H. and Jason who impressed us all with their Perl virtuousity and very nearly won it all! Cudos to Kimberly, Lance D., Roshan, Chris, Will G., and Matt for their heroic efforts!