Jon David
PhD Student
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Mail stop: MSC01 11001 University of New Mexico
test. Jon wants to live in a world where papers are written well, and licenses and copyright laws don't hinder the free exchange of reproducible research. He also wants to live in a world where gumdrops and lollipops fall from the sky.
In his past life, Jon received his bachelor of science, with a major in computer science, from San Diego State University and worked as a software engineer. He worked hard and earned a decent living but didn't feel he was contributing anything to humanity. So he quit his job to pursue a new career in scholarship, research, and education.
In his new life, Jon is a second year PhD student at the University of New Mexico. His general research interests are artificial intelligence and machine learning. He works in Dr. Tapia's lab applying computational techniques to open systems biology problems. He's currently working with Kasra Manavi, Dr. Bruna Jacobson, and Professor Tapia on the kinesin project.
When he's not staring at the screen, you can find him at home playing classical guitar. He's terrible but it recharges him and he seems to enjoy it. Feel free to contact him. He is open to making new friends and connections.
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CV:   pdf
- Bruna Jacobson, Jon Christian L. David, Mitchell C. Malone, Kasra Manavi, Susan R. Atlas and Lydia Tapia, "Geometric Sampling Framework for Exploring Molecular Walker Energetics and Dynamics", In Proc. of the 8th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics, pp.704-709, Boston, USA, Aug. 2017. (pdf)