Nick Malone, Brandon Rohrer, Lydia Tapia, Ron Lumia, John Wood, "Implementation of an Embodied General Reinforcement Learner on a Serial Link Manipulator," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), St. Paul, Minnesota, May 2012 Abstract— BECCA (a Brain-Emulating Cognition and Con- trol Architecture software package) was developed in order to perform general reinforcement learning, that is, to enable unmodeled embodied systems operating in unstructured en- vironments to perform unfamiliar tasks. It accomplishes this through paired feature creation and reinforcement learning algorithms. This paper describes an implementation of BECCA on a seven Degree of Freedom (DoF) Barrett Whole Arm Ma- nipulator (WAM) undergoing a series of experiments designed to test BECCAs ability to adapt to the WAM hardware. In the experiments, BECCA demonstrates 1) learning to transition the WAM between states, 2) learning to perform at near optimal levels on one, two and three dimensional navigation tasks, 3) applying learning in simulation to hardware performance, and 4) learning under inconsistent, human-generated reward.