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Chapter 7

page 259 line 8: add period after frame buffer
page 263 line below equation: change tex2html_wrap_inline152 to tex2html_wrap_inline154 page 263 items 3 and 4: change && to &
page 263 item 3 delete word logical
page 280 last equation tex2html_wrap_inline156
page 284 last line of first paragraph in Section 7.8: screen coordinates not window coordinates
page 288 third equation, change + to -: tex2html_wrap_inline181
page 288 last equation, top line next to brace change tex2html_wrap_inline183 to tex2html_wrap_inline185
page 294 second line of second paragraph: replace claws with teeth

Ed Angel
Tue Nov 19 08:18:05 MST 1996