This is a picture of my girlfriend and me. It was taken by my friend, Thomas Azar, in the fall of 1998, during our first semester of college.
I hope to post a more recent picture of the two of us soon.

This is the stuff that makes up my life. I love movies, books, and especially music. I love my girlfriend. I love my family. Most of all, though, I love interacting with people on a personal level. What that means is that I usually don't go for smalltalk, and can seem unapproachable at times, but I love hearing about other people's concerns, issues, worries, joy and thoughts in general. I love to help people, and I like to make people smile. It is part of the reason why I want to be an animator / technical director. I want to make people smile through my work. It's a lofty goal, perhaps, but one that I am more than willing to spend my life working toward. As long as my girlfriend is beside me and my family is supportive, I should be okay.

The 50 Best CDs of All Time - A list, Compiled by Me.

My Small DVD Collection - Seriously... all the DVDs I own

My Even Smaller Videogame Collection - sigh.

Books in my "To Read" Queue

My Short Fiction - crap I've written... and I do mean Crap.

External Links

The Albuquerque Tribune - The local Scripps-Howard paper in Albuquerque. Also where my girlfriend works.

Pixar Animation Studios - I want to work here. soon.

The Onion - The funniest newspaper, ever.

McSweeney's - A cute site I found while reading a book edited by Dave Eggers, editor of McSweeney's.

Despair, Inc. - the best online store.

Movie Mistakes - fun stuff... find hundreds of flaws in your favorite movies


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