A Dream

An introduction, of sorts. by Aaron Romero.

She appeared to him in a dream; tall and graceful.  She was everything angels are supposed to look like: white flowing gown, a surreal haze of glowing light surrounding her, long brown hair and beautiful penetrating brown eyes.

            He Fell to his knees in front of her.  This was a messenger of God, and he paid her the proper respect.  She smiled at him, almost lovingly, and spoke.

            “Arise, you have no need to kneel before me,” she said in a voice like no other he had ever heard.  She looked down at him, and beckoned him to stand.

            He did as she commanded, standing up.  He looked deeply into her eyes, and her skin seemed to radiate with light. 

            “I have come bearing a message,” she continued.  What you know in your heart is true.  You are destined to be her savior.  You are her martyr.  I know your task is daunting, and that you are afraid, but it is true nonetheless.  You must sacrifice your life to save hers.”

            He stood for a moment, taking in what she said, and he was still confused.  Give his life?  What did that mean?  He was still young and wondered why he had to give his life.

He looked at her.  “Death?”

She smiled at him again,  “I can see your soul.  I know what you feel, how you think, and I know the contents of your heart.  Put your fear of death out of your mind.   You and I both know that there are things worse than death.

“No.  You are not going to die.  Not soon, anyway.  I know this is hard.  And I know you are going to be scared.  There will be times when you will be absolutely alone and miserable, and you will cry out to God.  You will ask why you were chosen to save her.  During your moments of darkness, of fear and loneliness, I want you to be strong  and to pray for my help.  I will ask the Lord to help you when you pray to me.”

She looked at him and sighed.

“I wish that I could do more for you, but you have to go this alone.  This is your sacrifice.  You must give yourself to her, heart mind and soul, and you must always be there for her.  Most of all, you have to be prepared, because she will not give back to you, she will not sacrifice for you, and when she finally asks you to leave, you must go, no matter how much it hurts.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad,” he said.  “There will be others, won’t there?  I will get over this, won’t I?”

“She is the one.  The only one.  You will know the full extent of this pain when the time comes.  I pray that you will be strong.  Your sacrifice…”

She broke off.

“You must sacrifice your happiness, your peace, and your love to save hers.  It is the greatest sacrifice one can make.  I am not trying to make this sound glamorous, because it is not.  It is a lot of suffering, a lot of pain, and a great lonely path that you must travel on your own.  This sacrifice has serious implications.  A sacrifice of heart, mind and soul cannot be repaid here on Earth.  No amount of searching will bring you lasting happiness.  Your pain will be great.  Your heavenly reward will be substantial, but you will never be the same man again.  I am afraid that I cannot promise you a happy ending.”

He was floored.  He could only stutter.  “But why me?”

“Because you love her so.  More than anyone else in God’s creation.  That is why.”

She stepped toward him, tears in her eyes.  She stopped , sighed again, and tried to compose herself.

“I hate to see you suffer.  Please understand that I did not choose this for you.  When you return to God, I will be standing here to hold you in my arms.  Please know that you are loved.”

She held him in a loving embrace.  Gently kissing him on the forehead, she stepped back and faded away into the darkness.

His cheeks were wet with her tears.

“Awake,” a voice said.

He woke up from his dream, and sat up in his bed.   He was shaking.


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