An Apology

The "Pretty Girl Project" was designed as a joke for a few people that I know. It wasn't supposed to be released for public viewing, but instead was meant to be a humorous take on how i spent my time during my trip to Siggraph 2003 in San Diego.

Prior to Tuesday, 28 October 2003, I had recieved only one complaint about the project, which came from Sheryl Hurley. Sheryl stated that she was offended that while I had mentioned her by name (in reference to an animation project we completed together), I failed to mention that she is a pretty girl as well. On the whole, I thought that the project was overtly humorous, because the people who know me, and whom I would share the URL to the project page, know that I am not a sexist pig

On Tuesday, 28 October 2003, I was made aware that a handful of people had seen and were offended by the "Pretty Girl Project." To those people, and to others who may not have voiced their compaints and/or concerns, I offer my sincerest apologies. I had not meant to offend anyone, and In fact, had not meant for the project to become public. I am sorry that the UNM webcrawling services picked up on my project page, as I had not meant to share the project with the general public. If I have caused any anger or embarassment, I am very sorry.

Needless to say, I have taken the project offline. The joke had long since run its course, and I forgot to remove the links to the project, which has unfortunately resulted in offending some people.

I would like to extend an extra apology to the following:

Laurel, our fabulous planetarium manager at the Lodestar Astonomy Center;

Hue, my supervisor, mentor and friend at the Digital Pueblo;

and Sheryl, my co-worker and good friend from the 3D Animation class;

Again, it was not my intent to upset anyone, and I am sorry If i hurt anybody's feelings.


L. Aaron Romero

29 October 2003






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