CS351 Spring 2004 Lab 0
Introduction to  CS351 Lab

Matthew J. Barrick

Office Hours: TR 3:20-3:55p, MW 12:00-12:50p

When contacting me via email concerning cs351, I'd appreciate it if you could include "cs351" somewhere in your subject line, it makes my mail filters happy.

Handing in Lab Exercises:

Your hand-in should be done in the same manner as your class projects. Place your files in a directory named after your last name and the lab number:


Create a tarball of the directory:
        tar czvf barrick_lab_0.tar.gz barrick_lab_0            

Send this file as an attachment to barrick@cs.unm.edu

Note on Lab Exercises:

Unless otherwise noted, you are to complete lab exercises during the period in which they are assigned, and turned them in by the end of that period.