CS 251: Intermediate Programming


Brooke Chenoweth
Department of Computer Science
Email: bchenoweth@cs.unm.edu (Include course number in a meaningful subject line, please)
Office: FEC 2060
Office Hours: Tuesday 2pm-4pm via Zoom, Friday 1pm-3pm in person, or by appointment


Lectures are 11:00 am - 11:50 am MWF in Centennial Engineering Center 1041


Lab 002 (CRN 32295)

Lab 003 (CRN 32296)

Lab 004 (CRN 34022)

Lab 005 (CRN 81487)

Course Assistants

Feel free to contact any of the assistants for help. You aren't limited to the assistant for your own lab section.

Course Description

CS-251 is an introduction to the methods underlying modern program development. Specific topics will include object-oriented design and the development of graphical user interfaces. Programming assignments will emphasize the use of objects implemented in standard libraries. Students taking this course should already be familiar with basic concepts of computer programming such as variables, conditional control flow and loops.


UNM Canvas

Handy References and Links

CS 251 Code Standards


Editors and IDEs

Running graphical programs remotely from the CS machines (in case you were curious)

Past Exams

Lectures and Assignments

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Spring Break

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15

Finals Week