#+TITLE: Ben Edwards
#+AUTHOR: Ben Edwards
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# me
  <div id="me">
    <img src="data/me_and_dog_smaller.jpg" class="" alt="me" />

** Research and Research Interests
   :CUSTOM_ID: research

 - Analysis of Internet Growth :: Using a refinement of the ASIM model
      created by Peter Holme, we work to analyze Internet growth at
      the Autonomous Systems level, and determine how future
      regulation and attack might affect the topology and function of
      the Internet. To be published at WEIS /Modeling Internet-Scale
      Policies for Cleaning up Malware/
 - Network Measures and Internet Topology Models :: Evaluating various
      types of network measures, and how the myriad of models of
      Internet growth perform under these measures.
 - Negative Representations of Data :: I worked with
      Michael Groat to extend negative representations of data to real
      continuous valued data. Submission searching for conference
      /Enhancing Privacy in Participatory Sensing Applications with
      Multidimensional Data/.
 - Small World Networks :: I am interested in demographic processes
      which lead to the creation of small world networks. /Work ongoing./
 - Social Networks :: Analysis of the relationship between edge and
      node attributes and topological structure in real world social
      networks. /Work ongoing./
 - Graphs in Metric Spaces :: Analysis of graphs embedded in metric
      spaces and their application to sensor networks. /Work ongoing./
 - Phase Transition in Obscure NP-Complete Problems :: Evaluating the
      phase transition of the likelihood of solvability for random
      instances of obscure NP-Complete Problems. /Work ongoing./

** Open Source
   :CUSTOM_ID: open_source

 - NetworkX :: I use and try to contribute to NetworkX, a python
               network analysis toolkit, as often as
               possible. *NetworkX is participating in Google Summer of
               Code!* Check out my applications(1, 2), and my
               Summer of Code Blog!
 - Python :: I maintain a small library of python utilities that I've
             written myself and collected from various sources, that I
             find useful, called =python\_lib=. I also actively use
             numpy and scipy, and have done a small amount of package
             maitanence for sage.
 - Org-mode and Emacs :: I use org-mode and emacs for almost all of my
      work thanks to the influence of Eric Schulte 
** Background
   :CUSTOM_ID: background
 - I run the adaptive reading seminar for my lab.
 - I am currently enrolled as a doctoral student at the University of
  New Mexico, in Stephanie Forrest's Adaptive Systems Lab.
 - I have taken classes in in the Sociology department at the
  University of New Mexico.
 - I received by bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Computer
   Engineering, with a minor in Computer Science in 2006 from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

** Contact
Ben Edwards
bedwards <at> cs <dot> unm <dot> edu
Farris Engineering Center 355d
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131