The assigment should specify what the assignment name is, and should
follow the convention cs341-fall07-labX-wed where X = 1, 2, 3, 4... and
"wed" is replaced by "thu" or "fri" depending on what lab you are
enrolled in. Assigments should be completed by the end of the lab
period (if not, make sure to have the TA let me know so we can
accomodate you if the assignment turns out to take more than 50
minutes). When you are done, type this command on a CS machine:
turnin cs341-fall07-labX-wed crandall-lab1.s
...where, of course, "X", "wed", and "crandall" are replaced with the
appropriate information. If you want to check to make sure what you
turned in is there, type:
turnin -ls cs341-fall07-labX-wed
I will be closing the assignment for your lab section sometime between
the end of the lab section and 5pm the same day, so if you need more
time be sure to let the TA know and they'll have me create a new
assignment for late submissions (which will not be penalized if the
extension is reasonable), which will be called "cs341-fall07-labX-wed-late".