Java version of the SOS (Simple Operating System) Simulator


This page contains instructions on how to run the Java SOS Simulator. To run the simulator click on Java SOS Simulator.

How to run the simulation

When the simulation starts you will see a single window (or a new web page in your browser). You can select from several choices before you run the simulation.

  1. Pick an application to run among the choices in the radio buttons at the top of the window. You have the following choices:
  2. Pick which things you want traced during execution. These trace messages show up in the list boxes you see in the simulation window. You have the following choices:
  3. Start the simulation by clicking on the “Start SOS” button.
  4. During execution all trace messages will go to the list box under the top row of buttons. You can pause and resume the simulation with the “Pause SOS” and “Resume SOS” buttons.
  5. When you are finished click on the “Exit Simulator” button.
  6. The lower list box shows the trace messages divided up based on the current process that was running when the trace message is created. This is a separate list for each process in the system. These list boxes are in an AWT “card deck” which means that you can only see one of them at a time. There is a row of buttons above the lower list box that controls which of the process list boxes you see. The “Next Process” button goes through all the processes and you can go directly to processes 1, 2, 3, or 4 with buttons. The process 0 list is for trace messages generated when there is no current process.
  7. These list boxes have scroll bars if necessary that allow you to look through the messages.