signature CINTERFACE
exception CFunNotFound of string
val c_function : string -> string -> 'a -> 'b
type c_function
val bindCFun : (string * string) -> c_function
type system_const = (int * string)
exception SysConstNotFound of string
val findSysConst : (string * system_const list) -> system_const option
val bindSysConst : (string * system_const list) -> system_const
exception CFunNotFound
c_function modName funName
val gettimeofday : unit -> ( * int) = c_function "SMLNJ-Time" "timeofday"
type c_function
bindCFun (modName, funName)
type system_const
exception SysConstNotFound
findSysConst (s, l)
bindSysConst (s, l)