CS 251 Temporary Class Page

Instructor: Derek Trumbo, email: derek.trumbo@gmail.com

Real WebCT Class Web Site: https://vista.unm.edu/webct/logon/5560224488131

Temporary Class Email list: Please subscribe to this list: "Cs251" which you can do from here: http://mail.cs.unm.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo.


Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3

Lecture 4 | ArrayIllustration.java (I realized while lecturing that I meant to name my variable centripetalForce, not centripetalAcc. I don't want your physics professors mad at me and blaming the CS department for corrupting its students!)

Lecture 5

Lecture 7 | oobasics.zip

Review Quiz (PDF) | Review Quiz (DOC) [not actually graded but please do it -- so you can review your skills and know where you might be lacking]
Review Quiz Key | ModeExample.java

For homework 1 we will be using a successful first assignment from Andree's class last semester - "The Visualizer"
Homework 1 | Display.java (Due Friday, 9/3)
I don't have an SVN repository set up yet to run code check outs like he did, so you can ignore the stuff near the end about setting that up. All the code you need is this Display.java. Place it in the package you have your file (the TA's should have explained the package structure for turning in assignments) and change the 'package' label at the top of Display.java to match. This week you will turn in your homework assignment to your section's TA via EMAIL. Your TA will have instructions on 8/31 in class on how to name your class and turn in the assignment.

Programming Terms

Using correct software development and programming terminology is important in our profession. The above list includes the terms that we have covered thus far in the course, and you are expected to know what they mean (unless otherwise listed below).

I want to formally keep track of the things I say that I won't be testing this semester:

The gateway: http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/