Recent Work – evolving ELF files
Table of Contents
- apply our technique to a wider range of programs
- anything compiling to ELF files
- remove need for source code
- levels of representation
- C level (compiler and linker)
- at the ASM level (linker)
- binary level (no linker, but respect instruction boundaries)
- at the byte level (just manipulate raw bytes)
Too many Libraries!
- libelf
- nice tutorial, poor community, not robust
- elfsh
- targets virus writers, hyperbole and error prone
- libbfd
- poor documentation, strong community, doesn't support my use case
Finally just wrote my own using the ELF standard. Much easier.
Demo – read a "hello world" elf executable
To evolve variants we need to edit the code living in .text
Taking a simple C file
main(){puts("hello world");}
We can load it up and check the magic number.
(elf-p "hello")
Then read it into an elf data structure.
(setf *elf* (read-elf "hello"))
And look at the top-level elf header.
(show-it (header *elf*))
Demo – view the layout in memory and on disk
An ELF file has two internal tables, and two instantiations.
table | instantiation |
section table | binary executable on disk |
program table | memory image during execution |
looking at the program table
(mapcar #'show-it (program-table *elf*))
looking at the layout of the binary file both on disk
(show-file-layout *elf*)
and in memory
(show-memory-layout *elf*)
Demo – Change the .text
We can investigate the binary contents of the .text
(let ((instrs (subseq (data (named-section *elf* ".text")) 38 42))) (mapcar (lambda (el) (format nil "0x~x" el)) (coerce instrs 'list)))
We can also update the value of this section
(setf (aref (data (named-section *elf* ".text")) 40) #xc3)
And when we write the altered file out to disk
(write-elf *elf* "hello2")
The resulting file still works
chmod +x hello2 ./hello2 echo $?
Mutation Operators
I've implemented the following mutation operators on this framework.
- Delete
(defmethod rm ((asm asm)) (let ((rm-point (place asm))) (setf (aref (genome asm) rm-point) nop) (setf (ops asm) (cons (cons :rm rm-point) (ops asm)))))
- Swap
(defmethod swap ((asm asm)) (let* ((a (place asm)) (a-instr (aref (genome asm) a)) (b (place asm)) (b-instr (aref (genome asm) b))) (setf (aref (genome asm) a) b-instr) (setf (aref (genome asm) b) a-instr) (setf (ops asm) (cons (cons :swap (list a b)) (ops asm)))))
- Insert
(defmethod insert ((asm asm)) (let ((point (place asm)) closest-nop) ;; remove the nop closest to the inserted instruction (loop for n from 1 upto (max (- (length (genome asm)) point) point) until closest-nop do (let ((forward (+ point n)) (backward (- point n))) (cond ((and (> backward 0) (equal (aref (genome asm) backward) nop)) (setf closest-nop backward)) ((and (< forward (length (genome asm))) (equal (aref (genome asm) forward) nop)) (setf closest-nop forward))))) (setf (genome asm) (let ((low (min closest-nop point)) (high (max closest-nop point)) (copy (list (aref (genome asm) (place asm))))) (concatenate 'vector (subseq (genome asm) 0 low) (when (equal low point) copy) (subseq (genome asm) low high) (when (equal high point) copy) (subseq (genome asm) (1+ high))))) (setf (ops asm) (cons (cons :insert (list point closest-nop)) (ops asm)))))
Initial Mutational Robustness Results
Which result in the following mutational robustness over the simple hello world program.
op | passed 1 test | passed 0 tests | script-error | timeout-error |
:RM | 530 | 0 | 470 | 0 |
:SWAP | 305 | 0 | 693 | 2 |
:INSERT | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 |