UNM CS 591 Spring 2012
Topics in Biocomputing Applications to Software
- Instructor
- Stephanie Forrest
- Meets
- Tue/Thu 9:30 - 10:45 am
- Syllabus
- Tentative Syllabus
Software Engineering
Software Testing
Mutational Robustness and Fitness Landscapes
Software Mutational Robustness and Proactive Diversity (Feb. 23)
Neutral evolution of mutational robustness (Feb. 28)
Mutational robustness can facilitate adaptation (March 1)
Robustness and evolvability: a paradox resolved (March 1)
Degeneracy: a design principle for achieving robustness and evolvability (March 6)
Evolving Software
A Systematic Study of Automated Program Repair: Fixing 55 out of 105 bugs for $8.00 each (March 8)
Automatic program repair with evolutionary computation (March 8 background)
Representations and Operators for Improving Evolutionary Software Repair (March 8, optional)
Evolution of digital organisms at high mutation rates leads to survival of the flattest (March 20)
Applying digital evolution to the development of self-adaptive ULS systems (March 20)
Evolution of a modular software network (March 22)
Fitness landscapes and evolvability (March 29)
Software Defense
The Evolution of System Call Monitoring (ACSAC 2008) (March 27)
Adaptive Anomaly Detection via Self-Calibration and Dynamic Updating (RAID 2009) (March 27)
Security Through Diversity: Leveraging Virtual Machine Technology (IEEE S&P 2009) (April 3)
Building Diverse Computer Systems (HotOS 1997) (April 3, Background)
Countering network worms through automatic patch generation (IEEE S&P 2005) (April 5)
Automatic patch and signature generation for buffer overflow attacks.(ISSIS, 2006) (April 5, optional)
Enhancing Server Availability and Security Through Failure-Oblivious Computing" (OSDI 2004) (April 10) Assure: automatic software self-healing using rescue points (ASPLOS 2009) (April 10)
Q: Exploit hardening made easy (NDSS 2011) (optional)
Malware Evolution
On the infeasibility of modeling polymorphic shellcode (April 12)
Darwin inside the machines: Malware evolution and the consequences for computer security (April 17)
Mutation Engine Report (April 19)
Polymorphic Viruses: Implementation, Detection, and Protection (April 19)
Space Shuttle Fault Tolerance: Analog and Digital Teamwork (April 19 ?)
Novel Architectures and Computational Models
The vision of autonomic computing (April 26)
Engineered Robustness by Controlled Hallucination (May 1)
The art of the propagator (May 1)
Give a presentation to the class in the Pecha Kucha style. Slide format is here