The truncated coin flips martingale maximizes escape probability.
Thomas P. Hayes.
Manuscript, February 2003.
Let H be the class of discrete real-valued martingales
X0 = 0, X1, ..., Xn such that for each i,
|Xi - Xi-1| < 1.
Define, for all non-negative integers n, and a>0,
the ``truncated coin flips'' martingale, which, conditioned
on any value Xi-1 = x < a, maximizes the probability that
a - Xi is either zero or a positive integer
with the same parity as the number of steps remaining, n-i.
We prove that this maximizes Pr ( Xn>a ) over all
martingales (Xi) in H. We also show that
this is essentially the unique martingale with this
extremal property. The proof uses ``retrograde analysis,''
to prove that, under certain circumstances,
a gambler's best strategy is the truncated
coin flips martingale.
Our work gives a simple alternative proof of the well-known
Hoeffding-Azuma inequality.