Near-independence of permutations
and an almost sure polynomial bound on the
diameter of the symmetric group.
Laszlo Babai and Thomas P. Hayes.
In: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on
Discrete Algorithms (2005) 1057--1066.
We address the long-standing conjecture that all permutations have
polynomially bounded word length in terms of any set of generators
of the symmetric group Sn. This is equivalent to
(O(nc)) mixing of the (lazy) random walk on Sn
where one step is multiplication by a generator or its inverse.
We prove that the conjecture is true for almost all pairs of generators.
Specifically, our bound is O*(n7).
For almost all pairs
of generators, words of this length representing any given permutation
can be constructed in Las Vegas polynomial time. The best previous bound
on the word length for a random pair of generators was
n(ln n)(1/2+o(1)) (Babai--Hetyei, 1992).
We build on recent major progress by Babai--Beals--Seress
(SODA, 2004), confirming the
conjecture under the assumption that at least
one of the generators has degree <0.33n.
The main technical contribution of the present paper is the
following near-independence result for permutations.
The first cycle of a permutation is the trajectory
of the first element of the permutation domain. For a random
permutation, the distribution of the length of the first cycle
is uniform. We show that if τ ∈ Sn is a given permutation
of degree ≥n3/4 and σ ∈ Sn is chosen
at random, then the distributions of the length of the first
cycle of σ and the length of the first cycle in
στ are nearly independent.
The ability of an essentially arbitrarily fixed permutation (τ)
to ``scramble'' another permutation in this technical sense
may be of independent interest and suggests new directions
in the statistical theory of permutations pioneered by
Goncharov and Erdos-Turan.