Seventh International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages

Long Beach, California, January 10-11, 2005
PADL 2005

Papers must be submitted in two steps: Authors who cannot submit their papers electronically should inform the PC chair at

There is also a third step, but only for those submitters whose paper is accepted. In that case, you will be asked to also submit the camera-ready copy electronically. Instructions will be sent after acceptation of your paper.

When filling in the electronic forms, PLEASE USE CAPITALS ONLY WHEN SYNTACTICALLY NEEDED, so e.g. only at the beginning of your Name, not your FULL NAME. (The previous line is an example of a wrong usage of capitals.)

Step 1
Abstract submission (Closed)

Note: You will be sent a message immediately after your submission. This message contains a login/password combination for phase 2. Please contact us if you don't receive this message within a reasonable time.

Until September 17, 2004

Step 2
Paper submission (Closed)


September 17, 2004

Step 3
Camera-ready paper submission


November 10, 2004

CyberChair 4 Author: Richard van de Stadt  (Borbala Online Conference Services) Development supported by TRESE Copyright © by University of Twente