RRNIC A RoadRunner NIC Debugging Tool. Version ?? Last updated April 1998 James Corey CONTENTS * rrnic.tcl * README.txt * Instructions.txt INSTALLATION * You need to have Tk 4.2 and Tcl. * You need the command line utilities that actually operate on the NIC. These can be had from niiel07:/nfs/notrust/jcorey/nicutils ... * Other than that, just put the script and the two documentation files in the same directory. Then change the value of rrnic_instdir in the tcl script to point to that directory. Also change the value of rrnic_utildir to point to the directory with the command line NIC utilities. RUNNING * You have to run as root (what, did you think you could just hack into the network interface card without privileges?). *********************************** * Start the program: wish rrnic.tcl *********************************** * See Instructions.txt to find out how it works. FUTURE PLANS * Allow setting PC by mousing an instruction. * Allow altering the instruction at an address by mousing it.