Joseph Haugh
University of New Mexico
What is output of the following code?
void main() {
int *ptr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
*ptr = 10;
printf("%d\n", *ptr);
printf("%d\n", *ptr);
3943? 1120? Segfault?
What is output of the following code?
void main() {
int *ptr1 = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
int *ptr2 = (int *)calloc(1, sizeof(int));
*ptr1 = 5;
printf("%d %d\n", *ptr1, *ptr2);
5 0
What is output of the following code?
void main() {
int *ptr = (int *)malloc(5 * sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
*(ptr + i) = i;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
printf("%d ", *(ptr + i));
0 1 2 3 4
What is output of the following code?
void main() {
int *ptr = (int *)malloc(5 * sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
*(ptr + i) = i;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
printf("%d ", *(ptr + i));
7242 0 1909629632 1133610355 4?
6193 0 1416086567 -353966814 4?
What is output of the following code?
void main() {
int *x = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
int *y = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
*x = 5;
*y = 10;
int *z = x;
*z = 20;
printf("After free: z = %d\n", *z);
After free: z = 20? Undefined
A linked list is a data structure that consists of a sequence of data records such that in each record there is a field that contains a reference (a link) to the next record in the sequence.
In the C programming language, the “link” is usually implemented as a pointer. The link could, however, be implemented in other ways (i.e. as an array index).
Why not just stick with arrays?
The order of the linked items may be different from the order that the data items are stored in memory or on disk.
Size is not predetermined, so can make better use of memory.
We can insert and remove elements without having to reorganize the entire structure.
Most file systems store data as linked lists of data blocks.
“Defragmenting” a hard disk moves the blocks to maximize the number of blocks that are physically adjacent.
Access to the ith element requires walking the list from the beginning and counting links to i. Such a process is said to have a time complexity of O(n).
Insertion or Deletion at a known access point has a constant time complexity time O(1).
Nodes are self-referential structures.
struct ListNode {
int data;
struct ListNode *next;
struct ListNode *createNode(int data) {
struct ListNode *node =
malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
node->data = data;
node->next = NULL;
return node;
void printlist(struct ListNode* head) {
struct ListNode *current = head;
while (current != NULL) {
printf("%d ", current->data);
current = current->next;
void printlist(struct ListNode* head) {
struct ListNode *current = head;
while (current != NULL) {
printf("%d ", current->data);
current = current->next;
void printlist(struct ListNode* head) {
struct ListNode *current = head;
while (current != NULL) {
printf("%d ", current->data);
current = current->next;
void printlist(struct ListNode* head) {
struct ListNode *current = head;
while (current != NULL) {
printf("%d ", current->data);
current = current->next;
int listlength(struct ListNode* head) {
struct ListNode* current = head;
int count = 0;
while (current != NULL) {
current = current->next;
return count;
struct ListNode *newNode = createNode(data);
newNode->next = head;
head = newNode;
struct ListNode *newNode = createNode(data);
newNode->next = head;
head = newNode;
struct ListNode *newNode = createNode(data);
newNode->next = head;
head = newNode;
struct ListNode *newNode = createNode(data);
newNode->next = head;
head = newNode;
struct ListNode *newNode = createNode(data);
newNode->next = head;
head = newNode;
struct ListNode* newNode = createNode(data);
newNode->next = currentNode->next;
currentNode->next = newNode;
struct ListNode* newNode = createNode(data);
newNode->next = currentNode->next;
currentNode->next = newNode;
struct ListNode* newNode = createNode(data);
newNode->next = currentNode->next;
currentNode->next = newNode;
struct ListNode* newNode = createNode(data);
newNode->next = currentNode->next;
currentNode->next = newNode;
struct ListNode* newNode = createNode(data);
newNode->next = currentNode->next;
currentNode->next = newNode;
struct ListNode* node = head;
head = node->next;
struct ListNode* node = head;
head = node->next;
struct ListNode* node = head;
head = node->next;
struct ListNode* node = head;
head = node->next;