Haskell Source File Structure
Haskell files contain a collection of mutually recursive function. This means that the order you declare your functions does not matter. Each Haskell file should begin with a capital letter and end with the .hs file extension.
GHCI (Glasgow Haskell Compiler Interactive)
In order to test the functions in your Haskell source file you will need to use ghci. ghci allows you to load your Haskell source file into an interactive REPL (Read Eval Print Loop) in which you can test your functions.
Commands To Remember
- “:l” or “:load” : Attempts to load the given Haskell file. Note you do not include .hs if you are loading from within ghci.
- “:r” or “:reload” : Attempts to reload the currently loaded Haskell file.
- “:t” or “:type” : Tells you the type of a given function.
- “:i” or “:info” : Gives you more information about the given function.
- More detailed information can be found here
Loading A File
To load a file named HaskellFile.hs into ghci run the following commands in your terminal:
cd folder/containing/file
ghci HaskellFile.hs
This will attempt to load your source file, if there are errors it will print them out. After you have made changes to the file you must reload it in ghci in order for those changes to be reflected. You can do this by typing “:r” or “:reload” into ghci. This will attempt to reload your file displaying errors if they exist.
General Workflow
- Create a Haskell source file or open an existing one
- Open a terminal in the same directory as the file in step 1
- Load the file into ghci
- Make changes to your Haskell source file
- Attempt to reload the file in ghci
- Fix any compile errors
- Test your code
- Repeat from step 4
Haskell Language Constructs
Writing Simple Functions
A simple Haskell function to add 1 to its argument is given as follows:
= x + 1 add1 x
Haskell functions consist of three key pieces:
- Function name
- Function arguments
- Body expression
In this example the function name is “add1”, its takes 1 argument “x” and returns the body expression “x + 1”.
The general shape of a function is
<function_name> <function_arguments> = <function body>
You can load this file into ghci and try to use the function by typing the following:
2 add1
Which should report back 3.
Haskell is a strictly typed language so where are the types in the example above? They are there but if we leave them off then Haskell tries to infer the correct type of the function. Before we look at what type Haskell thinks this expression has let’s first give it a type ourselves. Types in Haskell are written on a separate line above the function. For example if we wanted to claim that add1 takes an Int as an argument and returns an Int then we would write the following:
add1 :: Int -> Int
= x + 1 add1 x
This is called a type signature. A type signature has three key pieces:
- Function name
- Constraints (optional)
- Function type
A general type signature looks as follows:
<function_name> :: <function_constraints> => <function_type>
Note that in the previous example we did impose any constraints on our function and we will discuss this feature further down. (TODO: Add link to constraints/typeclasses)
We can now load our file into ghci then type:
:type add1
Which should report:
add1 :: Int -> Int
Built-in Types
As with any other statically types language Haskell has several built-in types. We have already seen Int put here is a list of most of them:
- Integer - unbounded signed integer
- Int - 32/64 bit signed integer
- Word - 32/64 bit unsigned integer
- Float - single precision IEEE floating point value
- Double - double precision IEEE floating point value
- Bool - boolean value
- Char - single character, written with ’’
- String - string which is represented as a list of Char, written with “”
Type Inference
You may be asking yourself how the original add1 example worked without you having to explicitly give it a type signature. Well Haskell has a feature called type inference which can infer the type of most functions without you having to explicitly state it! This is an extremely powerful feature of Haskell. So what would type would Haskell have inferred for the add1 function if we hadn’t stated it explicitly? Well we can easily find out by removing the type signature the loading the file into ghci. Once in ghci we can ask for the type of the function again by typing:
:type add1
It should report:
add1 :: Num a => a -> a
Hmm doesn’t look at all like the type signature we gave it, Int -> Int. What is this Num thing?? Remember when I said previously that constraints were optional in a type signature? Well Num is an example of a constraint. Constraints in Haskell are achieved using a language construct called a typeclass. We will go over this topic in more detail in a later section. (TODO: put typeclass link here) For now though it is sufficient to realize that Haskell will always try to infer the most general type. To realize why this is the most general type ask yourself what operations did add1 perform on its argument? Well it used the + operator on it. Then ask yourself well what types does the + function expect? To find out ask ghci
:type (+)
Should report:
(+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a