
This project implements an interpolation algorithm for the theory of arrays extended with the diff operator equipped with an index theory $T_I$. The approach computes a reduction from the $AXDiff(T_I)$ theory to the theory of $EUF + T_I$ and calls an interpolation engine to process the reduced formula. Currently, the software supports iZ3 and Mathsat as such engines.

Building the project

The project requires some z3 dependencies. The latter can be achieved using the following command from the root of the project:

git submodule update --init --remote dependencies/z3-interp-plus

If the user wants to use the MATHSAT SMT solver, the implementation requires a soft link inside the bin directory. For the latter, use the following command:

ln -s <mathsat-path> ./bin/mathsat

In the root directory, execute the command:

make bin/axd_interpolator

If the above is successful, then binary file axd_interpolator will be located inside the bin directory.

Setting up the input formula

Input formulas are encoded as a SMTLIB2 file in the ./tests/smt2-files directory. If the input includes function applications of our extended language, i.e. diff, length, empty_array, undefined, then the latter elements should be appended a string denoting the type of the range of the associated array element. The latter ensures compatibility with the internal language used in the implementation. The following are examples of declarations following the above convention:

(declare-fun diffInt ((Array Int Int) (Array Int Int)) Int)
(declare-fun lengthArrayIntInt ((Array Int (Array Int Int))) Int)
(declare-fun empty_arrayArrayIntInt () (Array Int (Array Int Int))

The rest of the SMTLIB2 file should specify two assertions. The first one encodes the A-part and the second one the B-part.

Using the implementation

The axd_interpolator binaries receives 4 arguments:

  • The first argument specifies the theory to be used. Currently, the implementation supports the quantifier free fragment of the following theories: total order, integer difference logic, unit-two variable per inequality (UTVPI), and linear arithmetic logic. The user should specify QF_TO to use the total order logic, QF_IDL for integer difference logic, QF_UTVPI for UTVPI, and QF_LIA for the linear arithmetic logic option.
  • The second argument specifies the path of the smt2 file to work with.
  • The third argument specifies the engine/method to be used. For the latter there are three options: 0, 1, and 2.
    • Option 0 uses Z3
    • Option 1 uses MATHSAT
    • Option 2 uses SMTINTERPOL
  • The fourth argument specifies a number of attempts, i.e. a number that bounds the number of executions of the main loop of the implementation.

The following is an example of an execution of the axd_interpolator binary:

./bin/axd_interpolator QF_TO ./tests/smt2-files/maxdiff_paper_example.smt2 1 100


If Mac Os is used, the command requires the following to be appended:

DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib ./bin/axd_interpolator QF_TO ./tests/smt2-files/maxdiff_paper_example.smt2 1 100

The binary axd_interpolator outputs to the standard output any of the following:

  • If the formula is unsatisfiable, then it outputs Unsatisfiable: followed by the interpolant obtained.
  • If the formula is satisfiable, then the implementation outputs either Satisfiable: or Unknown:. The last option happens when the internal variable num_attempts reaches 0.

Replicating SMT 2021 submission results

We included a script to obtain the tables reported in our submission for SMT 2021. For the latter, the following items are neccessary:

The steps to execute the benchmarking script are the following:

  1. Unzip the verification files in tests/verification-files with unzip
  2. cd into tests/benchmark/scripts and execute the script ./
  3. The process will conclude with a Latex-compatible table as output.
Jose Abel Castellanos Joo
Jose Abel Castellanos Joo
Ph.D. candidate

My research interests include computer algebra and formal methods