Computing certicates in compact quadratic modules in $\mathbb{R}[x]$


This thesis will study algorithms to compute certificates for members in compact quadratic modules in univariate polynomial rings and certificates for the Archimedean polynomial in the bivariate case. Our current results compute exact certificates (sums of squares multipliers) that certify the membership of a polynomial in a compact monogenic quadratic module. Our method is constructive and symbolic, thus exact. We provide bounds for the degree representation of our sums of squares certificates. Additionally, we compare our method with existing solutions involving numerical approaches. We plan to extend our methods to the general case of compact quadratic modules by finding reductions of a general compact quadratic module basis to a single generator that is included in the original quadratic module in consideration.

Real algebraic geometry has recently received a lot of attention in the formal methods community working with reasoning problems involving polynomial equalities and inequalities. These constraints appear naturally in areas such as software verification \cite{10.1007/978-3-030-29436-6_11,10.1007/978-3-319-68167-2_26}, hybrid systems \cite{WANG2022104965, 10.1007/978-3-540-24743-2_32}, and machine learning \cite{NEURIPS2020_dea9ddb2,NEURIPS2021_e3b21256}. A fundamental aspect in verification is the ability to provide useful information to users to validate results, hence the need to provide checkable information in these algorithms. A characterization of the generator of compact monogenic quadratic modules in $\mathbb{R}[X]$ was introduced in \cite{Augustin2008TheMP}. While the structure of resulting polynomial provides information to decide membership, this representation does not provide information to compute the sums of squares multipliers of member of such quadratic modules.

Our current result for the univariate case allows us to find certificates in a preorder structure for a basis with 2 generators introduced in \cite{10.1145/3476446.3536176}. We plan to find certificates for the product of the two generators in order to have certificates in the quadratic module structure. For the bivariate case, we have solved the certificates problem for a monogenic case satisfying certain properties. We plan to generalize this result for more general cases.