CS 438 Psych 467 Cognitive Science


Exam 1 21 March 1996





total points: 40 of 100. points per question indicated next to question number.


1. (10)

What is the role of representation in a cognitive system? (4)






Describe briefly two representational "languages." (6)








2. (12)

What is the Church/Turing hypothesis?





Why is this an hypothesis?





How does this hypothesis relate to research issues in Cognitive Science?








Name _______________


3. (6)

Define an Automated Formal System













4. (12)

Define equivalence relationships between formal systems.

a) Define functional equivalence.






b) Define isomorphic equivalence.





CS438 - Psych 467 FINAL EXAM 9 May 1996




Please sign your name here____________ if you DO NOT WANT your grade posted, by SSN, on the Professor's office door.


There are 100 points on this exam. There will be about 80 minutes for the exam. The value of each question is indicated next to it.


1. (9) One of the claims of the connectionist approach is that these systems can learn without being explicitly programmed.

a. How do they learn?




b. What can they learn?




c. What are the limitations of this learning?







2. (12) Newell and Simon have a long tradition in developing models for intelligence. Describe each of the tools in a-c and how they are used.

a. The protocol




b. The production system




c. The problem behavior graph







3. (6) Newell & Simon take very close looks at individual subject's behavior, as we have noted during the semester. Where is the generality in this approach? Where is the science?








4. (9) The Physical Symbol System hypothesis plays a very important role in much of cognitive science.

a. State the physical symbol system hypothesis.




b. Why is it an hypothesis?




c. Critique it as a scientific methodology.




5. (9) Direct method testing is an import tool for cognitive scientists.

a. What is direct method testing?





b. Why is it a potential problem?





c. How are these issues addressed?









6. (5) Discuss the possible advantages and disadvantages of excluding a central processor from connectionist architectures.











7. (6) We presented logic and PROLOG as both a representation andf as a language. Explain each of these features.










8. (3) What was (to you) the most interesting topic covered in this course and why did you find it interesting?



















9. (12) Regarding the so called "grounding problem:"

a. What is it?




b. Why is it generally considered a serious problem for cognitive science?




c. Defend one of the following positions:

i. It is not really a problem.

ii. It's a problem and here is a potential solution.

iii. It's a problem and here is why there is no easy









10. (9) As a cognitive scientist, how would you respond to the following claim: Based on the Church-Turing Thesis, symbol based and connectionist models are computationally equivalent; therefore there is nothing to get excited about in the connectionist approach.


















11. (12) Daniel Dennett proposed the intentional stance as a construct for describing intelligence.

a. Why did he propose this idea and what does it offer the cognitive scientist?




b. When, or under what conditions, should it be employed?




c. What does it fail to address?




d. How does it differ from Searl's conceptualization of intentionality?




12. (8) From Prof. Yeo's lecture, answer any two of the following:

a. How might we modify the connectionist architecture to make it "closer" to that of humans?




b. What did Yeo suggest about human skill and cortical shaping?




c. How did Yeo suggest that sex differences might be reflected in cortical architecture




d.What evidence suggests that the brain is best NOT conceptualized as a "homogenous problem solver?"