CS 451 Programming Paradigms
LISP Assignment Three:
Object oriented simulation in CLISP (CLOS)
Devise an object oriented system (a collection of classes and
methods) in CLOS that satisfy the following requirements.
- The system implements a Simulation.
- The Simulation itself is an object.
- The simulation has user-friendly methods that sets/gets the
variable parameters of the simulation and a run method/s.
- Excluding the Simulation object, there should exist objects of atleast
two different classes that dont inherit from a common class.
- Excluding the above classes, there may be any number (greater than or
equal to 2) of derived (inherited) classes.
- A simple diagram depicting your classes and their relations. (UML preferred
but not required).
- Suggestions for simulations :
- Wator
- Traffic Flow
- A Queue simulation (banks /fast food joints etc.)
- Look in the past class webpage for other ideas
- If you worked in pairs, submit one hard copy with both your names
on it. One of you handin the code electronicaly.
Linux - (on the cs machines)
~roshan/handin < file_or_directory_1 > < file_or_directory_2 > ...
Multiple handins are allowed before the deadline and only your latest
handin will be considered. However each handin should include all that
you wish to submit.
Windows -
Email all your files as attachments to me with the subject line
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