CS451 Fall 2003 - Resources - Lisp in Emacs

Those of you who want to run clisp in Emacs, heres what you should do..

1. Copy my .emacs file (~roshan/.emacs) into your directory if you dont already have a .emacs file. If you already have a .emacs file in your home directory you should cut and paste the contents of my .emacs at the end of yours. The .emacs file is by itself a LISP code if you notice.

Note the line of importance to us in the custom-set-variables function '(inferior-lisp-program "clisp")

.2 We might as well get ready for sml (Standard ML of New Jersey) and prolog while we're at it...

for prolog... note the line '(prolog-program-name "swiprolog")

If you would like to use a different prolog distribution or one that you have installed go ahead and change the "program name". If its not on your PATH you might need to give it an absolute path.

For sml we have something similar (see .emacs file)

If you would like emacs to operate in sml-mode you need to download the sml-mode package for emacs from


tar -xvfz sml-mode-3.9.5.tar.gz

should gunzip and untar the package for you.

In the Makefile thats in the sml-mode-3.9.5 directory change the prefix variable to ~/

Read the INSTALL file

type make install in the shell and keep your fingers crossed.

Visit these webpages for extra help on how to do this and how to do more..



The Run .. the following emacs commands (in a new emacs instance) should do the expected.

M = meta key (alt or escape)

M-x run-lisp
M-x run-prolog
M-x run-sml

Questions ? -- roshan@cs.unm.edu