CS 451 Programming Paradigms
JDK Windows Install Help

This is from a student a previous semester.  It may be of some help...

What I did:

	From class CD:  In Java folder is program called    jdk1_2_2-win.exe,
double click on that for automatic setup.
	WATCH OUT: It wants to create a default directory jdk1.2.2 but when I did
that, DOS would not recognize the directory, so I would rename the
directory jdk or any other name without dots's.

	Then open your autoexec.bat file and in the path command, add c:\jdk\bin
   With jdk being whatever you renamed the default directory above.  That
lets java find the javac.exe and java.exe so you can compile and run

	After you restart your computer java should be working .

	However nothing goes into your Start menu except some Java applet control
panel icon which does not deal with writing or compiling java programs.
For that you need to go to a MS-DOS prompt or use textpad (see below)  I
loaded the textpad program in from the CD that came with the JavaCore book.

	If you want to use the textpad program:  Load it in after you change the
path in the autoexec.bat file. If the path is changed, textpad will ask
during setup if you want to add the jdk tools.  Say yes and in the tools
pull-down menu for textpad will be commands to compile and run java files
(which I have found faster then going through the MS-DOS prompt)

	If you want to play with the CoreJava examples from the book:  Even though
I unzipped with winzip I still got shortened file names (all the .java
changed to .jav, the leading name shortened to 8 characters etc.) and java
would not compile them so I have had to rename all the files to what they
are called in the book before I can compile and run them

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