CS 451 Programming Paradigms
GNU C++ Info

The GNU C/C++/Objective-C version 2.8.0 has been installed on all of the
platforms within the CS dept (with the exception of the SGI O2s).

The pertinent directories are: 


These binaries have not been included into the standard path as of yet. If
people could please use this new version of gcc and give the Support Group
any/all feedback that they might have (positive and constructive) we would
be greatly appreciative.

Thanks to the quick wits and ineffable code of Dave Ackley it was pointed
out to me that the newest version of gcc (and others) did not have the g++
libraries present. This has been corrected. Just to reiterate:

the latest version of the GNU C/C++/Objective-C compiler can be found on
the CS systems (with the exception of the SGI O2s) in 


Please endeavor to use this in your work to let us know of any other

Thank you.

Colin E. Johnson | colinj@unm.edu | http://www.unm.edu/~colinj/
``Science explains the world, but only Art can reconcile us to it.''
-Stanislaw Lem "King Globare and the Sages"

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