CS 451 Programming Paradigms
Lambdas and Objects

Excruciating Lambda Example!!

This LISP code can be found in
~jalewis/451/lisp/oolambda.lsp on the CS machines

If you peruse this and can answer for yourself what every single element does and why, you should be in great shape for future lambda- related and object-oriented meta-interpreter exam questions. The code has been modified to work in our LISP and the link indicates where the code can be found.

;;;Simple object system with inheritance

;;;Defines functions to create multiple
;;;turtle objects that exist visually by
;;;using functions from a turtle-graphics 
;;;package.  These functions are 
;;;omitted here, because this 
;;;package may not be loaded or available
;;;for all LISP environments.  The example
;;;is provided for instructional purposes.
;;;It can still be run; there will simply
;;;be no graphical component.

;;;Function: ASK
;;;Meta-interpreter function that uses
;;;functional behavior (the cond-switch)
;;;of the lambda that is the given object to
;;;extract the lambda that implements the
;;;indicated message (the bodies of the
;;;cond-options) on that object with any
;;;necessary arguments

(defun ask (object message &rest args)
 (let ((method (get-method object message)))
   (if (method? method)
     (apply method (cons object args))
     (print "Error: No such method"))))

;;;Function: GET-METHOD
;;;Get-method applies the lambda which is 
;;;the object instance to the argument
;;;message--a symbol selecting a behavior
;;;of the object.  The object-lambda 
;;;returns either an implementing lambda
;;;or the no-method error-pair below

(defun get-method (object message)
 (funcall object message))

;;;Function: NO-METHOD
;;;Each object uses this function to return
;;;the pair (no-method ) when the
;;;object cannot find an implementation
;;;for the message (no match in the cond)

(defun no-method (name)
 (list 'no-method name))

;;;Function: NO-METHOD?
;;;Used to check if what has been 
;;;returned by get-method is valid or not

(defun no-method? (x)
 (if (pair? x)
  (equal (car x) 'no-method)

;;;Function: PAIR?
;;;This function is not implemented in all
;;;CommonLISP systems (it is from Scheme)

(defun pair? (x)
 (if (listp x)
  (equal (length x) 2)

;;;Function: METHOD?
;;;Used after get-method has applied
;;;the object-lambda to a message argument
;;;and returned either a lambda to implement
;;;the message or the length-2-list 
;;;indicating an error

(defun method? (x)
 (not (no-method? x)))

;;;A Base Class (has only a name)

(defun make-named-object (name)
 #'(lambda (message)
     ((equal message 'name)
       #'(lambda (self) name))
     (t (no-method name)))))

;;;A Simple Turtle Class
;;;Function: MAKE-TURTLE
;;;Inherits from the above by having
;;;an instance of the above to which
;;;to delegate messages not known

(defun make-turtle (name place clr)
 (let ((n-o (make-named-object name))
  ;;place is assumed to be a pair
  (x (car place)) 
  (y (cadr place))
  (color clr)
  (direction 0)
  (width 10))
   #'(lambda (message)
       ((equal message 'set-x)
         #'(lambda (self x-loc) (setf x x-loc) x))
       ((equal message 'x)
         #'(lambda (self) x))
       ((equal message 'set-y)
         #'(lambda (self y-loc) (setf y y-loc) y))
       ((equal message 'y)
         #'(lambda (self) y))
       ((equal message 'direction)
         #'(lambda (self) direction))
       ((equal message 'set-color)
         #'(lambda (self col) (setf color col) color))
       ((equal message 'color)
         #'(lambda (self) color))
       (t (get-method n-o message))))))
       ;;;Only base objects need to return an error-pair
       ;;;Inherited objects delegate to their parent

;;;The following expressions can be evaluated to
;;;test the above code. (Remove the comments
;;;of course).

;;;(setq bobo (make-named-object 'bobo))
;;;(ask bobo 'name)
;;;(ask bobo 'invalid)

;;;(setq tom (make-turtle 'tom '(2 3) 'blue))
;;;(ask tom 'x)
;;;(ask tom 'set-x 7)
;;;(ask tom 'x)
;;;(ask tom 'color)
;;;(ask tom 'name) ;;;Testing inheritance
;;;(ask tom 'dumb)

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