CS 341 Introduction to Computing Systems
Syllabus Fall 1996


Barney Maccabe (maccabe@cs.unm.edu)
FEC 345D, 277-6504
Office Hours: MF 9-12

Lab Manual

HTML Version
  1. Postscript of lab 1
  2. Postscript of lab 2
  3. Postscript of lab 3
  4. Postscript of lab 4
  5. Postscript of lab 5
  6. Postscript of lab 6
  7. Postscript of lab 7
  8. Postscript of lab 8
  9. Postscript of lab 9
  10. Postscript of lab 10
  11. Postscript of lab 11
  12. Postscript of lab 12


Computer Systems: Architecture, Organization, and Programming; Maccabe; Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1993; ISBN 0-256-11456-0

Errata Sheet


In-class exams (25%)

There will be two in-class exams during the semester. If you miss an in-class exam,

Final Exam (25%)

Wednesday, 12/18/96 12:30-2:30. This will be a cumulative exam.

Programming assignments (50%)

There will be several programming assignments handed out during the semester. The first few assignments will be graded with a "check mark" to indicate that you completed the assignment. Later assignments will carry more weight.


Exam crib sheets

The in-class and final exams will be closed-book, closed-notes exams; however, each student will be permitted to have a single 8.5" by 11" 'crib sheet'. You can write (or photocopy) anything you like on your crib sheet. In addition, each exam will include a copy of the SPARC Reference card.

Make-up exams

If you need to miss an in-class exam for a non-medical reason, you must make arrangements to take a make-up exam before the in-class exam is given. If you miss an in-class exam due to illness, you need to contact your instructor within a week of the exam to schedule a make-up exam.

Cooperation on programming assignments

As you may have noticed, a large part of your grade (50%) is based on your performance on programming assignments. While you are encouraged to help one another in the development of general programming strategies and debugging, each student is expected to turn in his/her own solution to each of the programming assignments.

Late programming assignments

Late programming assignments will be accepted; however, they will be penalized 10% per day late. The "turn in" time is determined by the time at which email is received by your TA, Jim Otto.

Class Meetings

CS 341 / Sept 23, 1996 / maccabe@cs.unm.edu