CS 587 Advanced Operating Systems
Syllabus Fall 1996
Barney Maccabe (maccabe@cs.unm.edu)
FEC 345D, 277-6504
Office Hours: MF 9-12
Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design (Second Edition);
Coulouris, Dollimore, and Kindberg; Addison-Wesley; 1994.
Each student is required to complete a literature survey on a topic of
their choice. You must have final approval of your topic by
October 16. The project will include a final report and an
in-class presentation. Suggested topics include:
- real-time systems (general issues or a specific real-time system)
- parallel systems (general issues or a specific real-time system)
- highly available systems (general issues or a specific real-time
- world-wide systems (general issues or a specific real-time system)
- NOWs (general issues or a specific real-time system)
- the history of microkernel design
- issues in high performance systems
- performance evaluation of operating systems and operating system
- parallel I/O systems
- high performance message passing systems
- file system security
- mobile networking
Quizzes (20%)
There will be three quizzes during the
semester. The quizzes will consist of 3 to 5 short answer questions.
Your lowest quiz score will be dropped in computing your final grade.
Final Exam (20%)
Monday, 12/16/96 5:30-7:30. In the final
exam you will be asked to write a short (1-2 page) essay on a topic
associated with distributed systems.
Project presentation (20%)
During the final few class
meetings, each student will make a 15-minute, formal presentation of
their research topic. The 15-minute presentation will be followed by
5 to 10 minutes of questions.
Project report (40%)
Project reports should be 10-15
typeset pages including illustrations and references. Final reports
are due at the start of the last regular class meeting (12/11).
Class Meetings
- 8/26
- distributed systems, parallel systems, and networks of
- high performance computing
- resource management
- 8/28
- monolithic kernel, microkernel
- End-to-end Arguments
- Network technology: ethernet, FDDI, Myrinet, ATM
- Relative improvements in memory speed, processor speed, and
network bandwidth
- 9/2
- no class (Labor day)
- 9/4
- Chapters 1-3
- multiprocessor systems, cache consistency models
- 9/9
- Chapter 4 Interprocess Communication
- 9/11
- Chapter 5 RPC
- 9/16
- Chapter 6 Distributed Operating Systems
- 9/18
- Chapters 7&8 File Service
- 9/23
- Chapter 9 Name Services
- 9/25
- Chapter 10 Time and Coordination
- 9/30
- Chapter 11 Replication
- 10/2
- Chapter 12 Shared Data and Transactions
- 10/7
- Chapter 13 Concurrency Control
- 10/9
- Chapter 14 Distributed Transactions
- 10/14
- Chapter 15 Recovery and Fault Tolerance
- 10/16
- Chapter 16 Security (Cryptographic Protocols)
- 10/21
- Chapter 17 DSM
- 10/23
- The costs of microkernels and cross address space execution
- 10/28
- no class (OSDI)
- 10/30
- no class (OSDI)
- 11/4
- selected papers from OSDI
- 11/6
- selected papers from OSDI
- 11/11
- selected papers from OSDI
- 11/13
- selected papers from OSDI
- 11/18
- Student Presentations
- 1. Dale Land (network appliances)
- 2. Ivan Faucon (load sharing)
- 3.
- 11/20
- Student Presentations
- 4. David Munich (multimedia)
- 5. Eric Crosson (secure communication and authentication)
- 6.
- 11/25
- Student Presentations
- 7. Lance Atencio (microkernels)
- 8. Amulya Dixit (real-time systems)
- 9. Chuanyi Ding (mobile networking)
- 11/27
- No class (day before Thanksgiving)
- 12/2
- Student Presentations
- 10. Quan Shi (NOW)
- 11. David Buehler (mobile computing)
- 12. John Linebarger (implementations of MPI)
- 12/4
- Student Presentations
- 13. Patricia Gilfeather (CORBA/ActiveX)
- 14. John Lawton (microkernels/Linux?)
- 15. Birgir Kristmannsson (parallel or world wide)
- 12/9
- Student Presentations
- 16. Jeremy Brown (security)
- 17. Nicholas Droux (parallel I/O)
- 18. Matt Aken (real-time systems)
- 12/11
- Student Presentations
- 19. Xuechen Liu (NOWs)
- 20. Vipin Menon
- 21. Alex Glebov
CS 587 / Nov 13, 1996 / maccabe@cs.unm.edu