Otter and Mace Users
This page contains some of the researchers
and educators who have used the automated deduction systems
Otter or Mace.
Maybe this list should be separated into several areas:
- research in mathematics and logic
- other applications
- Otter or Mace as an automatic subsystem
- evaluation of other systems
- education
Let us know if we should add, change, or remove entries.
Note: the secondary points are contexts in which
Otter or Mace were used, and not necessaily
the primary research areas of the users.
Zac Ernst, Florida State University
- propositional logics, philosophy
Michael K. Kinyon, Indiana University South Bend
- loops, quasigroups, non-associative systems
Kenneth Kunen, University of Wisconsin
- non-associative algebraic systems
Alexander Leitsch, Technische Universität Wien
- Otter as a subsystem for model building and cut elimination
William McCune, University of New Mexico
- applications to problems in abstract algebra and logic
- search methods and software
Norman Megill, Metamath
- quantum logic, ortholattices (Mace user)
Dale Myers, University of Hawaii
a program for automated reasoning with subgoals
R. Padmanabhan, University of Manitoba
- universal algebra, group theory, algebraic geometry
J. D. Phillips, Wabash College
- loops, quasigroups, non-associative systems
David A. Plaisted, UNC at Chapel Hill
- comparing resolution to other deduction methods
- educational tool for coursework
- Stephan Schulz, TU Munich and U. Verona
- use in a proof checker for PCL2 proof protocols as generated by
Johann Schumann, NASA Ames
- comparison with other provers for use in program synthesis
Matthew Spinks, Monash University
- algebraic and multiple-valued logic
David Stanovský, Charles University in Prague
- linear identities in complex algebras of subalgebras
Mark Stickel, SRI International
- checking proofs found by other programs
Oswaldo Terán, U. de Los Andes (Venezuela)
- organizational simulation and modelling
Tomas Uribe, SRI International
- Evaluation of other systems
- Education
Bob Veroff, University of New Mexico
- applications to problems in abstract algebra and logic
- search methods and proof sketches
Larry Wos, Argonne National Laboratory
- proof simplification and search strategies
- applications to problems in abstract algebra and logic
Jian Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- finding finite models of first-order theories