Project 3: Android Applications
Due date 1: Friday December 7th 11:00 AM (Last Class Time)
Due date 2: Wednesday December 12th 10:00 AM (Final Exam Time) (You must attend!)
Due date 3: Friday December 14th Noon. (Nothing after this date/time will be accepted)
For your final project you will create an Android Application.
That is broadly, the only guideline.
More specifically I am expecting an app that performs a small set of core functionality to a specification, without crashing. While the selection of the type of app you make is up to you, below I have provided one possible specification for a simple to do list app.
To Do List App / Grading
- Base Functionality -- 40 pts -- Mandatory
- Adding an "item" (string of text)
- Deleting an item
- Completing an item
- Displaying all the current items
- Quitting the app, reopening the app, and having all the items still exist
- Multiple Lists -- 20 pts
- The main screen displays a list of lists (which are named)
- Lists can be created, renamed, deleted
- Entering a ListView brings you to the base functionality
- Advanced Items -- 20 pts
- Giving items specific due dates/times
- Giving items priorities
- Giving items categories or tags
- Giving items colors or other sorts of labels
- Giving items associated notes, links, photos, docs
- List History -- 10 pts
- See past complete items (in a special history view)
- Have items expire after an amount of time
- Be able to clear the history view
- (Functional) Syncing -- 30 pts
- Having your to do list app sync with some other to do list service
- Or having the storage of your list sync to some file format through a docs storage service (Dropbox)
- App has the ability to update from file / service
- App writes to files / service
- App can handle corrupt files / service being down
- Design -- 20 pts
- A well designed interface
- It does not look like you used all the default Android widgets
- It has its own (cohesive) style
- It has an interesting and compelling interaction
- (If you choose this option you are welcome to only *design* for Android 4.x)
- Marketing -- 20 pts
- You create a website for your app
- It does not look like this website
- It has well-written text that explains what your app does and why I would want it
- It is visually appealing
- Other Features! -- 20 pts probably
- Tell me what you want to do!
Pre-Deadline Due Date (20 pts)
On Friday December 7th you really, really, really should turn in the following:
- A single paragraph letting me know your current progress and what you need help with.
- An outline, listing the features you intend to implement with their point values next to them.
- A screenshot of your app in it's current form.
What should you turn in?
A zip file containing:
- All of your code.
- All of your graphics and other resource files.
- Any necessary data files.
- A compiled .apk (that I should be able to load on an Android device and have *just work*)
- A few screenshots of your app functioning
- A readme file, named readme.txt, which will contain:
- Your name
- The date, class number, my name
- Links to URLs that you borrowed substantial code, examples from
- Any magic instructions or invocations I need to know to run your app
- The list of features you implemented, and those that you would like to in the future
Please zip this up and email it to both the TAs account and also my account
None yet.
Frequently Asked Questions
None yet.
Projects as I currently expect them
To do lists:
Chris C., Cesar, Saied, Jayson, Charles, Sid, Brendon, Andy, David L.,
Oleg, Ben, Laura, Alfred, William, Michael M., Jake, Kenneth, Brian, Jade, Kate.
Other projects:
Catwang -- Nathan & Connor
Alarm Clock -- Tonya
?? -- Eric & Jordan
Pong -- Brennan & Chris O.
Calculator -- Masud
Chess Clock -- John
3D Tic Tac Toe -- Evan
Conway's game of life -- Javier
Graphing Calculator -- Alex
Clan Finder -- Courtney
Game API -- Joshua
Fish matcher -- Jason
Toddler game -- David S.
Timer -- Erin
Sliding puzzle -- Michael T.
Crappy game -- Richard