The Image.Color structure
signature IMAGE_COLOR
structure Image.Color : IMAGE_COLOR
The Image.Color structure implements processing and
analysis functions specific to RGB color images ((real * real * real)
type image = (real * real * real) Array2.array
val fromGrey : Image.Grey.image -> image
val red : image -> Image.Grey.image
val green : image -> Image.Grey.image
val blue : image -> Image.Grey.image
val fromRGB : {red:Image.Grey.image, green:Image.Grey.image, blue:Image.Grey.image} -> image
val toRGB : image -> {red:Image.Grey.image, green:Image.Grey.image, blue:Image.Grey.image}
val fromGreyHot : Image.Grey.image -> image
val fromHSV : {hue:Image.Grey.image, saturation:Image.Grey.image, value:Image.Grey.image) -> image
val toHSV : image -> {hue:Image.Grey.image, saturation:Image.Grey.image, value:Image.Grey.image)
val normalize : (real * real) -> image -> image
val maximizeContrast : image -> image
val writePPMA : image * string -> unit
val writePPM : image * string -> unit
val readPPM : string -> image
- type image = (real * real * real) Array2.array
- The color image type.
- val fromGrey : Image.Grey.image -> image
- Create a color image from a grey image.
- val red : image -> Image.Grey.image
- val green : image -> Image.Grey.image
- val blue : image -> Image.Grey.image
- Return one of the component parts of an image.
- val fromRGB : {red:Image.Grey.image, green:Image.Grey.image, blue:Image.Grey.image} -> image
- val toRGB : image -> {red:Image.Grey.image, green:Image.Grey.image, blue:Image.Grey.image}
- Convert to and from RGB component images.
- val fromGreyHot : Image.Grey.image -> image
- Use a false coloring scheme to convert a grey image to color, where the black to white spectrum is mapped to a spectrum including shades of black, red, orange, yellow, and white, in that order.
- val fromHSV : {hue:Image.Grey.image, saturation:Image.Grey.image, value:Image.Grey.image} -> image
- val toHSV : image -> {hue:Image.Grey.image, saturation:Image.Grey.image, value:Image.Grey.image}
- Convert to and from hue, saturation, value component images.
- val normalize : (min real * max real) -> img image -> image
- Normalize RGB components of pixels in img from the range (min,max) to the range (0.0,1.0). If any pixel component value is outside of (min,max), raise Fail.
- val maximizeContrast : image -> image
- Normalize RGB components of pixels to the range (0.0,1.0).
- val writePPMA : image * string -> unit
- Write an image to file using the PPMA (ASCII PPM) file format.
- val writePPM : image * string -> unit
- Write an image to file using the PPM (binary) file format.
- val readPPM : string -> image
- Read an image from disk (either PPM or PPMA format).
Last modified: Sat Dec 17 21:27:50 Mountain Standard Time 2005
rlpm [ -at- ]