Semester Project in Experimental Studies
End of March: Each group emails a project proposal (a couple of
paragraphs) to Prof. Saia.
End of 1st week of April: Each group turns in a
printout of a tentative project design (what measures, what
experimental conditions, what goals, what expectations, what software
will be used, etc.). This project design should be about 2
pages. Every group makes sure they can produce plots, graphs, etc.,
from data.
End of 3rd week of April: Set up the software and data (or data
generators) needed to run the experiments; run initial sets of
experiments for calibration and to check if anything crucial has been
overlooked. Each group turns in a printout of three or more
example plots from initial experiments.
- End of April: When all ready, run all experiments one after the
other over a few days.
First week of May: Analyze the results and write a first draft of the
project report
May 8: all reports due. Each group turns in a printout of the final
report in class.