CS 361 "Data Structures and Algorithms" Spring 2004
Jared Saia
(email: saia at cs.unm.edu). Please put
the text "cs361" in the subject line, this helps my mail reader parse
your email. I read email once every afternoon at around 3pm, I'll
respond to your email as soon as I read it, please be patient)
Office: FEC 301H, phone: 277-5446 (note: my voice mail system is
nonfunctional, please use email if you want to leave me a message)
Office Hours: Tuesdays 3-4pm, Fridays 2-3pm, or by appointment
(note that the times I'm most likely to be in the office are Tuesdays,
Thursdays, and Friday mornings)
Teaching Assistant
Nathan Swanson
(email: nate at cs.unm.edu))
Office Hours: Mondays 1:30-2:30, Weds 1:30-2:30 or by appointment.
Office: 301A FEC
Lab Section: Thursday 5:30-6:20 DSH134, Friday 1:00-1:50 TAPY 218 (note: you *must*
register for one of these)
Meeting Times:
Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:00-5:15pm in
Woodward Hall 149.
Note: Much of the material in these notes, including many examples and
figures are from Jeff Erickson's class notes for
CS373 at the
University of Illinois Urbana Champagne
Following are notes from three lectures on Annihilators at the
University of Illinois Urbana Champagne. Much of my discussion in
class is a condensed version of these lectures.