Some papers may be in Postscript format (ending with the suffix .ps) and other in PDF (ending with the suffix .pdf). On a Unix system, you can simply send a Postscript file to the printer; you can also view it on the screen with ghostview or (better) gv, either one of which will also allow you to print selected pages. A PDF file cannot be sent directly to the printer; it must first be transformed into Postscript; on a Unix system, there are three possible tools to do that: acroread, gv (if recent enough), and xpdf; gv is probably best, but acroread is OK, even if rather clumsy. On a Windows machine, PDF files should be handled automatically (with acroread, in fact); Postscript files are not recognized properly (native versions have the suffix .prn, "printer" files), but will print fine if sent to a printer and will be displayed properly on your screen with the Windows version of ghostview (available free in a lot of places - do a search on google for "ghostview windows").

This list of references comprises a lot of refereed research articles in respected journals. You should take these as possible models, but realize that the authors probably spent 1-2 years on the project, not 5 weeks! You may get useful ideas or additional references from them, a basis for comparison with your own results, etc.; but your work is necessarily much less ambitious. You can also find on the web a number of class papers written for classes not too different from ours; they will vary from short projects like ours to semester-long senior projects. In the latter class, a very nice paper on the effect of caching on index structures can be found here and references used in that class at