Office: Travelstead Room B21, phone: 277-5446 The best way to reach me is
generally via email. I usually check email once a day around noon.
Office Hours: Monday 3:00-4:00PM; Thursdays 2:30-3:30pm or by appointment.
Note: I will always be available in my office during office hours. At other times, if my door is open, feel free to come
in. If the door is closed, I'm probably hard at work on a paper, grant or research problem. Please come by another time or make an appointment via email.
Teaching Assistant
Dejun Jiang
Email: pwinter at
Office: ECE327
Office Hours: Monday 12-1pm; Tuesday 1-3pm or by appointment.
Class Info
The class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30-4:45 in CENT 1041.
Course Description
This class covers advanced topics in Algorithms and Data Structures with a focus on mathematical techniques, proofs and analysis. Topics to be covered will likely include the following: Randomized Algorithms:fingerprinting, data streaming algorithms, coupon collectors, birthday paradox, skip lists; Network Flow: Max Matchings, Min-cut Max-flow duality; Linear Programming, and basic game theory; NP-Hardness and Approximation Algorithms.
Text Book
We will be using the book: ``Introduction to Algorithms (third edition)'' by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein, in addition to supplemental material and occasional handouts.
Class E-mail List
I have set up a google group to manage email for this class.
Directions for joining this group are here. This
link also contains an archive of emails.
Note: Some of the material in these notes, including many examples and
figures are from Jeff Erickson's class notes for
CS373 at the
University of Illinois Urbana Champagne.