The best way to communicate with me for this class is by Piazza. I check it every weekday.
Office Hours: After lecture or by appointment
Class Info
The class meets MWF 12:00-12:50 in CENT 1028.
Piazza will be used for all announcements, questions and discussions in this class.
Piazza allows for public, private and anonymous questions, and extensive math formatting support.
Please use it instead of email. I check it once a day.
I'll be using online lecture notes for this class. A good additional references is the book Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies by
Narayanan et al.
Some of the following slides are from the textbook Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies by
Arvind Narayanan, Joseph Bonneau, Steven Goldfeder, Edward Felten, Andrew Miller
A major deliverable for this class is the final project.
You're encouraged to do these in a group of no more than 3 people
Project proposals need to be approved by me (1/3 way through the semester), and there will also be a checkpoint (2/3 way through the semester)
The final project should be of a conference-quality research paper on a theoretical or empirical problem of general interest in blockchains and/or cryptocurrencies