Photograph of Henry Shapiro
June 2014

Professor Emeritus Henry D. Shapiro

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires."
Susan B. Anthony

An educator in India once said, "In America, you test your students a lot, don't you? Here when we want an elephant to grow, we feed the elephant. We don't weight the elephant."
This appeared in a letter to the Albuquerque Journal that discussed
America's love affair with constantly administering standardized tests.

For Hindus, death is not the opposite of life; it is, rather, the opposite of birth.
From Benaras: City of Light by Diana L. Eck

Wenn der Kummer naht,
Liegen wüst die Gärten der Seele,
Welkt hin und stirbt die Freude, der Gesang.
Dunkel ist das Leben, ist der Tod.

Li Po (701-762)
   (Translated from the Chinese by Hans Bethge)
from Das Lied von der Erde
   by Gustav Mahler

When sorrow draws near,
Wasted lie the gardens of the soul,
Withered and dying are joy and song.
Dark is life, is death.

(English translation by Deryck Cooke)

Professor Shapiro retired from UNM in December 2001.

Professor Henry D. Shapiro received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Illinois in 1976. His main research interests were in the areas of algorithmic paradigms, implementation and empirical assessment of algorithms and data structures, and heuristics for NP-hard problems. He has over 20 refereed papers and is co-author (with Bernard Moret) of a graduate text in algorithms. He is also the author of an intermediate-level text on case studies in programming and an introductory text on Mathematica.

Li Po Chanting a Poem
Liang K'ai (active first half of 13th century)
Li Po Chanting a Poem
Hanging scroll, ink on paper 31-3/4 x 12 in.
Tokyo National Museum
